Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

-No Ones POV-

"Sir, we have a problem." One of his puppets said.

"What is it. I'm filled up to my neck in problems, I don't need anymore." Delgotta spat then putting the cigar in his mouth inhaling. 

"We've received information that one of our former members has given out secrets of our group." Another said. 

Delgotta raised his eyebrows. "Who," He paused blowing the rest of the smoke out of his mouth. "Are we talking about here?" 


"Zander?" I corrected him. 

"Yes, sir." 

"I knew he was trouble," He groaned in dissatisfaction. "Who did he tell this to." His blood was starting to boil. He had always thought Zander would never do such a thing. Zander was always the one who kept quiet, who obeyed everything, who was scared of Delgotta and what he was capable of. 

"Um, this lady named Kellie, sir. I don't remember her last name though." 

But Delgotta knew exactly who he was talking about. He stomped the cigar on the table putting it out with rage. "Fucking little prick. Do you know who that Kellie is?" He shot up in anger. 

All three of his minions shook their head. "No sir." They all said in unison. 

"Course you don't," He muttered under his breath. "It's that bastard Justin's Kellie. That's who it is!" He raised his voice and slammed his hand on the desk in front of him. 

The three guys' eyes widened at their idiocy. "Oh, I'm so-sorry sir, we-sh-ould-have-k-know..." They rambled on and on. Delgotta wasn't having it. 

"Ugh, fuck this." He said and finding the nearest gun possible. He picked it up making sure it was loaded. "Do your job right." 

And with that, all three of them were on the ground. Dead. Bullet wound pierced perfectly in their hearts. 

He put the gun down grabbing his coat from the back of the chair. "Eh, never liked them anyways." 

-Kellie's POV-

"Kellie." Someone whispered. 

I moved the blanket over my head in annoyance. 

"Kellie, wake up." It said again. 

"Shut up.." I mumbled into the duvet.

"Kellie get your ass up!" I could tell that was my mother in the hallway. Furrowing my eyebrows I moved the blanket away from my face. Fluttering my eyes open all I saw was bright California light, then a figure came into view.

"Justin?" I asked propping myself up on one elbow. 

"No it's the Easter bunny." He joked.

"Where's my basket with candy?" I asked raising my eyebrows and narrowing my eyes at him. 

"Sorry I ran out on my way here." He said sitting down at the foot of my bed. I smiled at his cuteness. I take a moment to look at him. He was in a pair of grey sweats, a black v-neck, a black jacket and purple vans. His hat was backwards on the tops of his head (no surprise). 

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked fulling sitting up in front of him. I crossed my legs under me trying to get comfortable. 

"Well, remember that trip we're going to go on?" He asked. 

"Yeah why? I thought you were joking." I giggled at myself. 

He dipped his head down to laugh. "No, I was being serious. Anyways," He rolled his eyes. "Well we're leaving in like an hour." 

"What!?" I yelled jumping out of bed. I then realized I was only in a tank top and undies. Justin bit his lip while looking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him once again. "Stop. I have to pack!" I said pulling on a pair of shorts. 

"Already did that!" My mom yelled again from the hallway.

"What?!" I asked. "When?"

"When you were asleep. A little bit before Justin came." She said. 

"Oh." I said cocking my head. How did I not hear her? I'm not that heavy of a sleeper. "Then why is he here this early if we don't have to leave in an hour?" I asked. 

"Well someone's nice this morning." Justin said getting up and walking over towards me. 

"It's not like I'm not happy that you're here, it's just that I could be sleeping." I whined as he now stood in front of me. 

"But then we couldn't do this." He smirked moving his head down. I smiled before locking my lips with his. His hand traveled down to the small of my back and pushed me closer to him. I grabbed his jacket and also pushed him closer to me. He bit my bottom lip and tugged on it, teasing me like crazy. 

"Oh, hell no. Not in my house." My mom said now standing at my doorway. I pushed Justin away from me and blushed. 

"Sorry." I said sticking my pinkie nail in my mouth. 

She sighed in what seemed like annoyance. "Who wants pancakes?" She asked. 

I looked over at Justin who was looking at me. "I do." I said not breaking eye contact with him. 

"Me too." He agreed. 

"O-kay then?" She said moving her eyes between us. She then shook her head and left the doorway. 

I then felt a rumble in my stomach. I broke down giggling. "Let's go." I said going over to him and grabbing his hand. 

-Delgotta's POV-

"Where are they going?" I asked. 

"Apparently the Dominican Republic. We'll be there, don't worry." 

"Don't let me down boys, you know what happens." I said not letting any word sound ridiculous. I'm being as serious as it gets. 

"We won't sir. We promise." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep." 

A/N I was sick and my mom took my computer away so that explains why I was gone. So I hope everyone had a fantabulous Easter! I did! There was so much food my Lord guys. Jesus and the angels were singing at this strawberry pie I ate. Yummo. Okay I'm gonna stop making you hungry now. 

Okay, so bye, I promise a new chapter by Friday. 

'Don't make promises you can't keep Lindsey.' This is my bitch subconscious talking. K bye. :) <3

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