Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

-Justin's POV-

"How do you even know where were going?" I asked Liam as we speed through the streets of Stratford. When I arrived at my apartment a few hours back, I called him and Anthony to give me some help. 

"When was the last time you went to his house here?" Liam asked making a right down an abandon road. 

"Um...few years? I don't know," I shook my head whist tapping my foot rapidly. 

"You really must care about her, don't you?" Anthony cut in. 

I felt a smile creep upon my face. "Well..yeah." 

"Do you love her?" 

This question caught me off guard. To be honest, I have no idea. 

I licked my lips. "I-I don't know." I said looking out the car window. I never even knew Startford had places like this. I took a quick glance at the clock; 1:36 A.M. 

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Liam said. 

'That's what he means, you dumbfuck.' 

I mentally laughed at my subconcious. 

"That's what I mean dude. I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. I turned away from his face and looked straight ahead. I noticed a street light in the distance. 

"This is the place isn't it?" I asked getting excited. Yes! I'm getting her back and killing the bastard once and for all. 

"Yup," Anthony said popping the 'p'. I undid my seatbelt and turned to face the back. The box with all of our weapons opened with ease. I grabbed a gun and a knife, while Anthony grabbed a gun. I grabbed another gun and sat it in Liams lap. 

"Thanks," He nodded once. "Let's park here so they don't see us coming." 


Once he parked the car on the side of the road, We all got out simlutaneously. I shoved the knife in my sock, while I stuck the gun in my underwear waistband. Liam was in front of me, while Anthony was behind. We got closer and closer in silence. once we were about ten feet away from the house, I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Where is everyone?" I whispered squinting my eyes. Instead of getting an answer, Liam walked further towards the home. He pointed the gun out just for protection. I heard a few noises in the distance, but most likley animals. I started to feel different emotions as it struck that I probably wasn't going to get her back tonight. Anger, sadness, depressed. I knew I shouldn't have left her by herself. How much more of a dumbass could I be?

"Guys! No ones here!" My thoughts were interuppted by Liam yelling from the homes front porch. 

"Fuck," I muttered. Picking up my feet I started to run towards the house.I felt the gun press into my side making a mark. When I reached Liam, Anthony had been following me. 

"Where did they go?!" I said pulling the ends of my hair. I looked around quickly to find any trace of them. Nothing. 

"I don't know." Anthony and Liam shook their heads at the same time. 

I felt a sudden dark anger inside me. "Well you guys need to know more! I'm fucking tired of being the puppet in this game! He's always one step ahead and I'm fucking sick of the bastard!"

"We are too Justin! You're not the only one who's life has been living hell! You're a fucking popstar! At least you have something to cope with! We have nothing! Our families are dead because of him! At least your family is still alive-"

"-They're going to be dead if we don't kill him!" I interuppted Anthony. 

"Stop being a selfish prick. When our families died all you did was smoke weed with Twist and watch! Why should we help you?!" He shouted. I felt my blood starting to boil. 

"Anthony..." Liam warned. 

"No Liam! He's never done anything for us!" 

I clenched my jaw while I tightened my fist. "Can we just drop this and try to find out where she is?" 

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes turning away. I let go of my fist and looked at Liam. He was shaking his head. 

"You guys act like your two," He smirked walking away to the back of the porch. 

I ran a hand through my hair and took another look around. I looked to my right, then left, then right again - then something caught my eye. I walked towards it. It was a crumpled peice of paper. I grabbed it and unfolded it. 

I see you came to the right place...

But we're not here anymore.

This time, try where you first met someone big.

A/N Good news, I'm done with exams!! woot woot! They were easier then expected. :) BTW thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for 220,000+ reads?!?!?! WTF THANKS YOU SO FLACKING MUCH!! mmmmm :) Okay so this was short but <3 you all! :)

P.S guess where they are now! ;)

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