Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

My eyes kept on the figure as it just stood there. 


I ignored him to observe the figure. It was in black, face was covered in black, it almost looked like the person who was in the opposite hotel room in New York. 

"Kellie? What is it?" I felt a presence behind me now. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulders. I turned my head and saw his hazel eyes staring at me. I looked back outside my window and noticed it was gone. 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It was just there! "Uh, nothing..." I removed his arms and walked over to my bed. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" Justin said standing in between my legs. His hands rested right beside my thighs, his fingers brushing them-turning me on practically. 

"Nothing, it's fine." 

"How do I know you're not lying." His voice was more stern this time.

"You trust me right?" I asked and then he nodded. "Then that's how you should know I'm not lying." 

"Okay then." He said smiling. I turned my head to the right noticing his phone was lighting up. He groaned and walked over to it. He opened the lock screen and read the message. 

"Who is it?" I asked. 

"Scooter. He said I've got an interview with Ellen tomorrow." 

"That's cool." I plainly stated, but he didn't look too happy. "What's wrong now?" I rolled my eyes. 

"It's just..she's gonna talk about you and I wouldn't know what to fans are going to be devastated." He pulled at the ends of his hair nervously. 

"Justin, just tell them what you need to tell them. I don't care if you make up a big fat shitty lie. I know how much your fans mean to you, and if you need time, it's okay." I said reassuringly. A smile crept on his face. 

"You sounded like God or something," He chuckled. "But I do want to tell them about you at some point whether it'd be today or next month." 

I smiled but then something hit me. "You don't think they'll show the pictures of us in the cafe in New York?" 

"Shit, I forgot about that. Well, they might haven't been released yet. I'll just wait and see I guess..." 

"Okay, cool." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I better be going. Scooter is going to shoot me." He said stepping into his shoes. Justin then walked over to me and pressed his lips to mine. He bit down on my bottom lip, pulling at it slightly. Our lips moved in sync and I didn't want it to end. His lips were like candy, irresistible. 

"Justin.." I pulled away. "Save it for my birthday." 

"God you're such a tease, see you later." He smirked and walked out of my room. I heard him say a goodbye to my mom and then the front door open and then close. I shut my bedroom door and locked it going back over to my window. I looked left and right seeing if I could see anything. Nothing. 

"Come on you fucking bastard, where are you?" I muttered to myself. 

"Look behind you." 

I jumped and turned around. It was the figure. My throat had a lump in it and my eyes widened so much I probably looked like Mort from Madagascar. "Wh-who a-are y-ou?" 

"Cat got your tongue? Listen, I'm not here to hurt you. At least not yet anyways..." 

"How did you get in here?" I asked getting my voice back. 

"I have my ways. Now listen, you might want to take a seat for what I'm about to tell you." 

"First and foremost, I want to know who you are." I said sternly taking a seat. 

"I can't say it right now, just listen or I slit your throat." 

I shut my mouth not wanting that to happen. "Well, what are you going to tell me?" 

"It's about your precious boyfriend. He told you about what he did, didn't he?" 

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's just say he didn't tell you the full story." He let out a chuckle that sounded like one of those evil laughs. 

"What are you talking about? Why would I trust you?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Because I can give you answers to the questions you're asking, that's why." His dark grey eyes stared through my head. 

Should I trust this possibly murderer in my bedroom? I need answers though. After sitting in silence for a minute or two I gave him my answer. "Fine tell away."

He smirked. "Well he told you about Twist didn't he?" I nodded remembering about what he said. "I'm guessing he told you that he wanted a reputation, didn't want to be a pussy? Yeah that part is true but you don't know what they all did together when they were training, do you?" 

"Well he told me he killed people..." I whispered not even wanting to think about Justin killing someone. 

"That's true too, but there is more. Um, did he tell you how many people he's killed?" 

I shook my head. "He just said more to count on your fingers." 

"Oh yes, try you can't count on five sets of fingers." 

I felt like my heart stopped. "You're kidding me right? That's more than fif-fifty people!" 

"Exactly. He's just to young to realize you can sugarcoat what you've done. Good or bad." 

"What are you saying? That there's more than this?" 

"Kellie you don't even know what you've got yourself into with him." 

"I want to know more then." I demanded. 

"Not today. Expect me to be around again. See you soon." He said walking over to the window. He opened it and gave me one last glance before jumping out. 

What the actual fuck just happened?

A/N :o WHAT THE HELL GUYS! OKAY SO I NOW I'VE DISAPPEARED, BUT I HAVE REASON WHY. I just needed a break from Wattpad. It wasn't like huge or anything so kewl right? So yeah I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter a lot more to come so BE PATIENT!! :)

And I never do this but I have a Justin Bieber story you guys might like! It's called Signed Anynomous! The sequel comes out today and I'm SO EXCITED! 

Okay so I'm gonna let you go now! :) Buh-bye!

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