Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Justin's POV

"Mom? Where are you?!" I said pulling the ends of my hair. 

"I don't know, they took me to this warehouse but I have no idea if I'm in Canada or in the US, just please come and find me." She pleaded.

"Mom, don't worry I'm gonna find you. How are you alive?" I asked frantically.

"I-" She started but the line cut off. 

"Dammit." I mumbled. "Kellie!" 

"What? Whats wrong?" She said coming into my bedroom. 

"I think, my mom is still alive." I found myself smiling.

"What! How-"

"-She just called me! She said they took her to a warehouse!" 

"Who's they?" She asked cocking her head. 

"There hi-, nobody. Why don't you go change into something more comfortable?"

"Justin, who is they?" She pushed.

"It's fucking no one! Just go!" I yelled. Her eyes soon filled with what looked like fear as she scrambled out of my room. I ran a hand through my hair. God, she must think I'm bipolar or something. 

'You can't help you have outburst. She shouldn't be up in your business anyway.' My subconcious told me. 

I listened to it as I took my shirt off. She shouldn't be up in my business. I shimmied out of my jeans and threw on a pair of grey sweatpants. 

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where Kellie stood in a pair of sweats too, a tank top that came just above her belly button, and a over sized sweater. She sat at the counter on her phone with a glass of water beside her. Why is it that I just want to rip her fucking shirt off? Just the little things she does can turn me on, and she barely knows who I am. Doesn't know my real job, my real personality, my real ways of life. I just wish I could tell her but then she would disappear from my eyes. Even though I pushed her into saying if she likes me, I know if she did that to me- I would cave in a split second. I can't help it. Ever since I laid eyes on her in the store, I immediately found her attractive. 

"Justin, I know  it's most likely none of my business, but why are they after us? Or should I say, you?" She asked looking up at me. She immediately went wide eyed.

"Listen, it's complicated. Trust me you don't want to fucking know." I said opening the fridge grabbing a bottle of water. 

"But I do want to know." She said looking at me with her big brown eyes. 

"Just drop it." I snapped. 

'In your business once again..' I rolled my eyes at the voice talking in my head. "I'm gonna go outside for a moment if you need me." I said opening the fridge putting the water back and grabbing a beer. 

Her eyes followed me as I went outside. What? I'm eighteen, I can drink in Canada. 

Kellie's POV

I walked into the massive living room and turned on the TV. I flicked through the channels until some thing caught me eye. 

"Justin Bieber returns home with the same mystery girl he's been spotted with recently. Now we've seen no PDA just a couple hand holds from the two, which mostly likely was to protect her from the paparazzi. Now Justin and his reps have said nothing. What does this mean? Is Justin not single anymore or is she just a really good friend of his? We'll keep you posted on what they do while they're here. Maybe visit his family and old friends from before his fame days. But we do know, a bunch of his hometown fans will be waiting to see him anywhere he goes." I shut the TV off annoyed by her voice. I got up and decided to go outside to find Justin. There he sat in a chair with a beer in his left hand. 

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