Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Justin laid in the bed that felt bigger than normal. The spot beside him was cold and unhabited. He smelt alcohol throughout his room and the faint smell of marijuana. His face was sticky from the tears that have been sprawling out ever since she left. His body was only half covered with the sheets so that his chest was exposed. He looked down at his left arm which was now almost covered in tattoos. Justin didn't regret them, but he knew he would eventually. 

"Justin!" He heard Scooter call from outside the door. Justin reacted quickly and pulled the sheets over his head as Scooter was getting ready to come in. He couldn't stand to see anything or anyone without seeing her face. It was haunting him. 

Once he heard his footsteps coming towards him he closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. 

"Justin," He whispered. He laid there as if he was dead. Scooter finally just gave up knowing he wasn't asleep. 

"God he's a mess," He mumbled to himself shutting Justin in the room. The comment didn't bother Justin. Because, he was right. 


-Kellie's POV-

I coughed trying to get it out of my lungs. I put my hand over my mouth and nose. How could they do that to themselves. It's fucking sick. 

I was currently in a room, I just have no idea where. After I had another 'hissy fit' as they called it, they blind folded me. What the hell, are we five? Everyone was in another room while they left me in here. 

"Please Justin, please find me," I pleaded to myself just above a whisper. Looking around my environment, I mean it could be worse. But it's still hell. 

I overheard them yelling and cheering (very loud and abnoxius) over something. They're probably playing drunk poker for all I know. Or maybe Russian Roulette. I wouldn't mind that considering someone usually dies doing it. 

I got up from the uncomfortable position on the floor and walked over to a chair. I tucked my legs underneathe me and sighed. Why does this have to be me? 

I still remember the day I 'met' him. It was weird and scary. I got shot for godsakes. I don't even know if Anna, Zander, my mom, or anyone in my circle are okay. I still remember that crazy bitch who tried to return those jeans. 

"Uh, yeah, so I bought these jeans and I don't want them." She said, in you know, those bratty voices. That I hated.

"Did you try them on?" I asked trying not to explode. I'm tell you the things I hate the most is fakeness, and spoiled brats. Just what I was dealing with. 

"No, it's to dark. So can I please return them? I got places to be." She said getting annoyed. 

I'm actually kind of glad I fired from that place. Yes, I've had my fair share of memories there, but fuck that. I got more important things to deal witth in my life than folding shirts and hanging up sweatpants. 

I even remember Justin almost running over me. 

"Sorry 'bout that." A driver said. Really? That's his apology? He was wearing a hat, sunglasses, and had his jacket hood up. Was he running from the cops or something? He drove off around the curb. Dissapearing from anyones sight. 

I smiled to myself at the memory. I remember everything. From our first kiss, from the first time we had sex, from the first time he tried hitting on me. But then, I remember the bad things too. From seeing his mom throat getting 'slit' to getting stalked by the guy in black. I remember when I got taken, forced to smoke weed, getting drugged many times, getting hit, everything. 

Sometimes I wonder if Justin wasn't in my life, if I'd never met him that day, that this wouldn't be happening to me. I know the media have to be going crazy. My life is fucking crazy I know that. My mom must be worried sick, she probably hasn't ate in days, got out of bed, she did the same thing when my dad left us. I hope Scooter has made contact with her to tell her what's going on. 

I felt tears coming to my eyes so I dropped the subject. Why don't they just kill me already? Put me out of my misery and this guessing game. 

"Justin, please find me. I'm scared," I whispered as tears started to come out. 

-Justin's POV-

"Scooter! Twist! Za! Hurry up let's go!" I yelled getting in the Range Rover that sat parked at the airport. They were all being slow dumbasses. But I think Za and Twist still might be a little stoned. Scooter made it first and then (very slowly) the grousome twosome made it. 

"Where do you think she is?" Za slurred. I saw Scooter roll his eyes. Of course he knows about our little 'get high while we have the chance' things. You can't hide it. Does he like it? Fuck no. Do I care? Fuck no. 

"There was only one place he really came when we were down here. Now since he's the fucktard I know, he wouldn't go anywhere else this time," I said starting the engine of the car. 

"Where was that?" Twist asked. 

"You remember? That warehouse thing literally five minutes away from the recording studio," I said trying to refesh his memory. I'm just hoping he doesn't remember too much. 

"Oh! That place where you fucked that blond chick? Man she ws hot," He chuckled. I mentally face-palmed myself. I didn't dare to look at Scooter as my face started to turn a dark shade of red. 

Once we were out of the airport and the main traffic, I knew we were getting closer and closer. I didn't pay attention to their conversations. I just was focused only on Kellie. 

My Kellie. 

"Hey man, isn't this the road?' Za asked?

"No shit. Why would I turn on it if it wasn't?" I said sarcastically. 

"Someone's on their monthly," Twist snickered. They gave each other a high five like they were ten. Which they do act that age sometimes. Even younger. 

"Is that it?" Scooter asked queitly.

"Yup," I said parking the car on the side of the road. Damn, am I the only one who remembers this place? 

"Alright let's go kick some white-fag ass!" Za yelled doing a fist pump. Seriously. 

"Did you really just say that?" I asked turning to look at him. 

"Yes. Yes I did." 

A/N So hiiiiiii!!! I'd thought I would do a quick update because I'm not going to be be able to update for about five days because I'm going on a trip to an amusement park or do some other stuff. Hmm, let's see whoever guesses which park I'm going right, the next chapter gets dedicated to them! :) *Hint* It's on the east coast and in the south! :) Good luck with that!

Okay thanks for reading that hahaha. Okay I'm gonna go! :) BYYYYEEE MEH LOVELIES!!!! <3

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