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sorry for any mistakes 💕

Ebony's POV

Tiffany: "everyone the birthday girl finna blow out the candles"

I didn't know if I should go over there or not because of how mean she looked. So I just went over to the table where the cake was. Everyone came over to me... Janet was leaned up against the wall distancing herself from everyone.. She hasn't said anything to me or even smiled at me.

Tiffany: "everyone 1 2 3!"

Everyone starts singing. I look around at everyone and grandma Katherine walks over to me.

Katherine: "make a wish baby"

I close my eyes and makes a wish then I blow the candles out. I open my eyes and everyone is smiling, except Janet... she wasn't there anymore

I grab a slice of cake and make my way into the living room where I see uncle Michael already eating.

Michael: "hey birthday girl"

I sit next to him on the couch and he gives me a small hug

Ebony: "um can I ask you something?"

Michael: "yes what is it?"

Ebony: "is aunt janet mad at me?"

Michael sticks his fork in his cake before taking another bite.

Michael: "nooo why do you think that?"

Ebony: "she hasn't smiled or said anything to me"

Michael: "Your parents says she can't speak to you"

Ebony: "why is she even here then if she can't"

Michael: "trust me she didn't want to miss her only niece 17th birthday... and trust me, the whole family is not fond of her being here"

Ebony: "even grandma?"

Michael looks at me and shakes his head

Michael: "no...mother is mad on how the family is treating Janet"

I couldn't hide the sad expression on my face, i don't understand why the family didn't want Janet here and because she couldn't speak to me cause aunt Janet was literally my only friend.

{ON HOLD} I will always love you Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora