thirty onee🖤

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okay first, I want to apologize for not updating. I've been busy with work and school. So here's a long well kinda long chapter 🥲.


sorry for any mistakes 💕

Ebony POV:
(Month later)

Janet and I has been doing way better. I blocked my parents number, well really my mothers number. She kept calling and texting me, telling me how much of a disgrace I am to her. She practically disowned me but I was okay with it. Tomorrow was my grandma Katherine's birthday and I was excited to see her and Michael since it's been a while. I begged Janet to come to the mall with me so now me and her are at the mall finding an outfit for me to wear to the party.

Ebony: "this is cute"

I heals up a white dress so she could see. She bit her bottom lip looking at the dress then at the me. Imagining me in it.

Janet: "yeah you should get this one"

Ebony: "okay"

we went to stand in line and a couple girls walked up to us.

"oh my gosh Janet Jackson!"

Janet gave each girl a smile they pushed me over and they was basically all over her.


I went up to the cashier and gave the dress to her.

"Will this be all?"

I nod and gave the girl behind the counter a soft smile. I looked back at Janet and she was signing autographs. I paid for the dress and went to sit down. Waiting for her to finish signing autographs and stuff.

(Hour later)

Janet: "Ebony"

Janet shook me awake and I looked up at her. I must've fell asleep with my head against the wall.

Janet: "baby girl let's go"

Janet grabbed the bag the dress was in and grabbed my hand gently as she pulls me up. We walked out the mall hand and hand.

We was back at the house now and I we both took our shower and now we're laying in bed. We both had on our big tshirt. We were so relaxed as we was watching television.

Janet: "b-r-b"

Janet got up and walked out the room. Few minutes later she comes back in with wine and two glasses in her hands. I sat up and she smiles at me as she hands me a glass. This was my first time ever drinking but I want gonna let her know that.

Ebony: "you know it's 4 in the morning right"

Janet: "yeah"

Janet sat crisscrossed in front of me on the bed. She filled both of our glasses with wine. And I took a small sip and Janet was looking at me as she brought her glass up to her lips that had a smirk planted on them.

After my 4 glasses of wine I was a little you know drunk I'm guessing. Janet didn't drink as much, probably like 2 glasses. But I liked the taste so I kept going. I was reaching for fine wine bottle and Janet grabbed my hand stopping me.

Janet: "I think you had enough"

Ebony: "mm okay"

She took my glass out my hand and sat it on the night stand. I laid back and closes my eyes. Janet was still crisscrossed but on her side of the bed. I looked over at her and she was looking down at her phone. I started feeling a throbbing feeling down below. Janet looked over at me.

Janet: "what?"

Her voice caused me to bite my lip and she laughs softly. I reached over and placed my hand close to her area and she stops laughing.

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