twenty fourr🖤

403 20 8

sorry for any mistakes 💕
(here's a long chapter)

Janet POV:

Shawnette and I, was sitting in the car outside in front of my house just talking. Me and shawnette used to mess around years ago but we're just friends now. And she's kinda the only friend I have except for my brother that could understand what I'm going through right now.

Shawnette: "Janet did you see her face when I walked in"

We both laughed

Janet: "yes and you really thought it was cool to call me booty!"

Shawnette: "um you know that's what we call you but Ebony looked like she was ready to kill me"

Janet: "it's funny but it's cute when she's jealous"

Shawnette was quiet for a moment

Shawnette: "you're playing with that girl heart Janet"

Janet: "am not"

Shawnette: "you kissed her..."

Janet: "I know"

Shawnette: "you can't act like you want to be with her then act like you don't the next"

Janet: "She's my niece shawnette... it's wrong"

Shawnette: "you see her as more than just your niece"

Shawnette was right, I understand now why Ebony was acting that way. And I was wrong for being petty. I put my face in hands as I sigh.

Shawnette: "just go in there and let her know how you feel... I can tell she feels the same way"

I take off my seat belt as I look towards my house.

Shawnette: "and don't you ever use me to make her jealous again, now get out"

I give shawnette a quick hug before getting out. I make my way inside the house then locking the door behind me. I make my way upstairs to the room and notice Ebony is up on her phone. I make my way into the bathroom to change into a big tshirt.

I walk back into the room and I could feel her eyes on me as I got in bed. I grab the remote and turn on the television because it was to quiet and it was a little awkward with her being mad at me, then the remote is taken from me. Ebony mutes the television and sits up. I just laid there confused.

Ebony: "I'm calling grandma to come get me"

Janet: "ok, how long are you
going to be gone"

Ebony: "I'm gonna live with her"

What, She's gonna live with her, What I did wasn't that hurtful... was it. I didn't want Ebony to leave. I love having her around. I don't know what I would do if it went back to me not being able to see or talk to her. I sit up and grab the remote from her.

Janet: "no"

Ebony: "um yes"

Janet: "Ebony lay down and get
some rest, we have a long day

Ebony: "no you-"

I smash my lips into hers and she kisses me back but pushes me away roughly. She gets out of bed and grabs a blanket that was folded at the bottom of the bed. She started walking towards the door and I hopped up going behind her. I grab her hand gently and she stops.

Janet: "baby girl come here"

She turns around slowly towards me and I see tears streaming down her cheek. She collapses in my arms and I pick her up laying her back on the bed.

Ebony: "Janet why do you kiss me if you don't want to be with me"

Janet: "Ebony... I do want to be with you... I love you so much that it scares me"

Ebony: "why does it scare you?"

Janet: "the age gap and because you're my niece-"

Ebony: "step"

Janet: "still Ebony, what if the family finds out"

Ebony: "don't worry about that right now"

Ebony reached up and placed her hand on my cheek.

Ebony: "what about shawnette?"

A smile creeps on my face

Janet: "she's just a friend Ebony"

Ebony: "mhm okay"

Ebony removes her hand and pulls the covers more over her. I crawl in bed and cuddles with her and stare at her as she looks the other way.

Janet: "I'm yours ebony"

Ebony turns to me stares at me for awhile before she kisses me.

Ebony: "and I'm all yours"


Would y'all prefer chapters to be this long or how I've been doing them??

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