twenty ninee🖤

371 22 6

sorry for any mistakes 💕

Janet POV:

Me and Ebony was eating dinner when we heard a knock at the door. Ebony looked across the table at me with a very frightening expression on her face. I got up slowly and made my way to the door. I looked back at ebony seeing her already looking at me. I open the door and behind it, reveals Michael and mother.

I let out the breath that I didn't notice I was holding in.

Kathrine: "what took you so long to answer the door child"

Mother and Michael pushed passed me and made there way to Ebony. I shut the door and made my way back to the kitchen and sat back down in my chair.

Janet: "I made chicken salad... it's some in that bowl over there, if you guys wants some"

Michael went over to the sink and washed his hands. I glanced back over at Ebony and once again she was already staring at me.

Katherine: "so what have you ladies been up too"

Janet: "oh nothing"

Katherine: "y'all seem to be closer"

Janet: "we have gotten closer mother"

I said as me and Ebony was still staring at each other. Michael came and sat next to me with his plate. He looked at Ebony and I noticing how nervous we were.

Michael: "guys y'all can relax"

Janet: "what do you mean... we are"

Mother came and sat across from me and sat next to Ebony.

Katherine: "we know"

Janet: "no what?"

Michael: "really"

Janet: "no what are you guys talking about?"

Katherine: "I was actually disappointed but then I started to think..."

I got up and took my plate to the sink.
I heard mother whispering something to Ebony. I turned around and they were all looking at me.

Janet: "what!"

Ebony: "they know"

Ebony go up from her chair leaving her plate on the table and ran upstairs.

Katherine: "Tiffany called me this morning"

I was leaned against the counter between my brother and mother. I was really panicking on what will happen now. Will mother and Michael take Ebony away from or would they understand.

Janet: "what did she say"

Katherine: "she said she was going to ruin your career and hurt you any way that she can"

Janet: "mother I know it's wrong okay and I just couldn't fight the feelings that I ha-"

Katherine: "honey no need to explain yourself to us. We already knew"

Janet: "you're not gonna take Ebony?"

Katherine: "why would I do such a thing?"

Janet: "because it's wrong"

Katherine: "do you really love her Janet?"

Janet: "y-yes"

Katherine: "then it's not wrong"

Michael came over and hugged me tightly.

Michael: "I support!"

Michael had a big bright smile on his face as he backed up and kissed me on my cheek

Katherine: "call that child down to give grandma a hug and kiss goodbye"

I smiled at my mother.

Janet: "Ebony come down!!"

I yelled. Shortly she comes down and noticed there was tears streaming down her face.

Katherine: "come here"

Ebony walked into my mothers opened arms.

Katherine: "stop all that crying... I love that you guys have each other and grandma and uncle Michael have your back and are fighting for you guys"

Ebony looked over at me and I gave her and smiled at her

Katherine: "now give me a kiss goodbye"

Ebony pecked mothers cheek and gave her a tight hug.

Michael and mother came over and kissed me on the cheek. I walked them out and my mother gave me another hug.

Katherine: "don't hurt that girl Janet"

Janet: "I'm not"

Katherine: "mhm I love you guys"

Janet: "we love you too"

I watched my mother and Micheal get in the car and drive off.

{ON HOLD} I will always love you Where stories live. Discover now