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sorry for any mistakes 💕

Janet POV

I disappeared upstairs as everyone's attention was on Ebony. I went into her room where I found pictures of her all on her wall. I seen two of me and her on her nightstand and it made me smile. It hurts to think that we would never be able to be that close again. As I was practically creeping around in her room, I hear footsteps approaching. I rush to her closet to hide.

I hear her crying and it broke my heart. I hope it isn't me that was making her cry on her big day. I hear her bathroom door shut and I was scared to move cause it was so quiet that she would hear me even if I tiptoed. Her phone dings and I hear her sigh before leaving the room.

I make my way out the closet and being nosy me. I make my way over to her phone. I put in her old phone password, hoping that it would unlock and it did. I read the message from my brother and rolled my eyes.

I went back downstairs and noticed everyone was outside but jermaine. He gave me an disgusted look and I gave him one back. I looked over to the living room where I noticed Michael talking to Ebony.

Janet: "Michael can you go fix me some wine so I don't have to go around him"

I ask as I walk closer to them both. I tower over Ebony. And I could feel her looking up at me, so I looked down at her.

Michael: "mhm"

I continued to stare at her as Michael got up and walked away. I just still couldn't believe how more beautiful  she's gotten. I tore my eyes away from her as I sat next to her on the couch. I side eyes her and watch as she put her head down and begin play with her nails nervously. Why was she so nervous?

Janet: "you look beautiful Ebony"

She looks up at me and just stares at me with a face expression, I didn't comprehend. Oh my gosh, did I really just say that to her. God I hope she didn't take it the wrong way.

{ON HOLD} I will always love you Where stories live. Discover now