thirty fivee🖤

337 24 12

sorry for any mistakes 💕

Janet POV:

I was here on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Ebony was backstage with everyone else, including Michael.

"Okay janet, the new music is good girl"

Janet: "you really think so"

"Yes, whay inspired you to write 'Anytime,Anyplace'?"

Janet: "um"

My mind drifted to ebony.

Janet: "uh I just-"

"Janet did you find that young man in the video attractive?"

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Janet: "he wasn't ugly"

The crowd laughs and so does Oprah. I hated coming on here with her, it's like I'm being held at gun point.

"So we're just gonna get to the point... are you gay Janet Jackson?"

The crowd goes silent and I wanted to burst out crying cause the attention was on me.

Janet: "no"

Next thing I know I hear the crowd say "ooo" I look behind me seeing a photo of me and ebony holding hands.

"Who is this beautiful young lady?"

I felt like the room was spinning and my heart was beating persistently.

Janet: "that's my girlfriend"

I say lowly but for the microphone everyone still heard me

"Oh wow"

Some people was cheering me on and the other half of the crowd was we silent.

"Is she backstage"

Janet: "yes with my brother Michael"

"oh goodie... maybe we'll get to meet miss Jackson if ya nasty girlfriend...we'll be back after the commercial break"

The crowd claps and I just sat there even more uncomfortable than before. Suddenly I hear the crowd going wild and I see Michael and Ebony walking out and making their way over to me, I really hope ebony didn't drink a lot backstage, I forgot they had wine back there.

Ebony: "can't believe you said you wasn't gay"

Ebony sat in the middle name Michael sat on the other side of her.

Michael: "but she did say you were her girlfriend"

Oprah just sat there looking through her questions she was supposed to ask, acting like she wasn't listening but I know Oprah... she's very nosy. Ebony reached and grabbed my hand that was laying in my lap.

"And we're back! Everyone this here is Janet's girlfriend and everyone knows Michael Jackson"

The crowd goes wild again.

"What's your name beautiful?"

Ebony: "Ebony"

"Now aren't you Janet's nie-?"

The crowd starts with the "ooo" sound again and it was beginning to annoy me.

Ebony: "step, step niece"

"Oh I see"

Ebony: "yeah"

I noticed Ebony was squeezing my hand.

Michael: "um guys Janet has more music coming out"

Michael says out the blue but that didn't stop Ebony.

Ebony: "everyone me and Janet are not blood related. So can everyone just hop off our dicks!"

Ebony says as she stands up pulling me up with her. She pull me off stage leaving Michael behind.

Michael: "uh bye everyone"

Michael runs and catches up to us.

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