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Sorry for any mistakes💕
Toni POV:

I was sitting with my legs crossed in front of the Mrs Carey, the therapist as she wrote on on her clipboard after everything I just said. I was a bit angry with Janet for forcing me to come here but I understand that she was just concerned about me and I'm sure the family was also.

Mrs Carey: "so miss Braxton, why are you here exactly?"

Toni: "my girlfriend, well... she thinks that I've been drinking a lot"

Mrs Carey: "have you?"

The two of us stared each other a bit.

Toni: "um"

I clear my throat.

Toni: "yes but-"

Mrs Carey: "Toni... you're only 17, you should be drinking at all..."

I watch as she grabs her clipboard and writes again. I looked up at the clock as the time seem to go slower and slower.

Mrs Carey: "let's start from the beginning when things started getting horrible, do you mind doing that for me Toni?"

I nod.

Toni: "grandma, she can't be serious!"

I looked at my mom sat at the table and my grandma Kathrine sat across  her.

Tiffany: "you and Janet are way to close and I don't like it, especially now that I know about her"

I was getting so frustrated on why she was forbidding me to see her, She knew I didn't talk to anyone else other than Janet like a friend... could she be jealous that I was more closer to Janet than to her.

Toni: "mom, she's my aunt... more like my bestfriend and only friend, you can't do this to me!"

Tiffany: "yes I can now go up stairs Toni!"

Grandma looks over at me gives me a look that she just wanted to come over and wrap her arms around me but we both know that if she did, it would make things bad right now. She was only over because of my step father, he was having money problems.

Toni: "UGH!!"

I ran upstairs and went to my room and closed the door. Once I got in bed, I grabbed my phone and tried texting Janet the 10th time today. She hasn't responded to any so I tried calling her for the 6th time, she didn't answer. I understand she's on tour but she couldn't just get a minute to talk to me.

Mrs Carey: "so did your depression start then?"

Toni: "well that when it got bad, I always got depressed like when Janet and I was far a apart"

Mrs Carey: "maybe you women should actually take some time apart"

Toni: "what, I just told you that I get depressed when we aren't together!"

Mrs Carey lightly chuckles and shakes her head as she looks over at the door like someone was coming in.

Mrs Carey: "exactly, you women has under each of other so much that there has been some arguing... unhealthy habits... I believe that it may help and I think getting back close with your mom for-"

Toni: "NO!"

Mrs Carey: "Toni, earlier as you was talking about your mother, it was clear that you miss her and I think of you to rekindle that bond some what of a bond that you guys had... then yeah"

I know Mrs Carey was right but my mother would never look at me the same as before. But ever woman needs their mother...

{ON HOLD} I will always love you Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum