A/N and Intro

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Author’s note: Hello and welcome to my first fanfiction. I was inspired to write it when I was reading other Markiplier X Reader fanfictions. I am a huge, supporting Markipliet who wants to also create a story for many fan girls to enjoy I plan to have a long story and, since I'm am new here, I might not have a real schedule yet. If you, at any point do not wish to continue reading, that is fine by me. For all of the people who read all of my story and/or at least gave it a try, thank you. My intro will be in one chapter and the first two chapters after that do not really have any action occurring but will help you understand your character a little better. Thanks for reading my long author's note and I hope that you enjoy :)        

P.S I do not own any of the characters that are real life people (This is just in case of copyright purposes)


      You are in High School in (choose between 9th and 12th) grade. Your mom allowed you two live in a small apartment by yourself in order to prepare you for college. Your school/social life is basically you getting all of your work done and talking with your closest friends. When you go home, you don’t have to worry about homework because you had two study halls before school lets out. This turns out great because you mostly spend your time either watching a lot of Markiplier on Youtube and drawing your own style of anime. You might have just been a fan of Mark’s for about half a year now but during that time period, you had developed a high respect for him. Also, one of your closest friends, f/n,  was a huge fan. She, In fact, helped you discover him. After a typical school day, Mark’s videos would refresh you. You even began to read fan fiction. Most of them were suggested by f/n and they had the reader share an adorable relationship with him. You didn’t really believe that this could occur to you, however. You see, you are still a teen, you don’t really believe that you are ready for a relationship with any boy, and you lived in a small city in a different state. You soon, however, find out some exciting news.

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