Chapter 4: Panel time

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 Upon hearing the news, you grew pale. "W-w-which M-Mark?" you trembled. "The one that we are here to see today." f/n said  very seriously. Then, a huge grin appeared on her face. "OMG! You touched him!!" "I did not!!!" Your face became redder than a tomato. "Well, how can you knock someone over without using physical contact?!" Her volume attracted the attention of your peers, causing your blush to deepen. "Lets find a place to sit." You tried to remain cool but struggled to, since your voice gave away the fact that you were about to cry due to your embarrassment. At your seat, you tried to hide yourself. It was probably someone else that I ran into, you thought. I am sorry for running into them but it couldn't possibly be Mark. He is still getting ready backstage.After about five minutes of mental comforting, you felt your face cool down and you gave a small smile. Soon, the fans that were waiting outside were allowed to enter. All you could hear was the thunder of the stampede and the little giggle that you made because of it.This is hilarious. You then realised that this was a panel. It had a camera person, a long table and three chairs. You   then remembered that f/n had been excited for a few days and whenever you pulled up the topic of Markiplier with you friends, they mysteriously giggled. They wanted to surprise you since Mark was your hero! This made you forget to be embarrassed so you sat back and relaxed a little bit.

~Le Time Skip~ The show was about to start and every fan girl went crazy. You smiled at the sight of f/n hyperventilating and rocking in her chair. Wade and Bob appeared first, causing the fans to scream with excitement.  That was not as much excitement compared to what Mark received when he appeared. He had an adorable smile as he looked onto the crowd. His hair was combed back, he had his Markiplier T-shirt on, his hoodie also on with its sleeves rolled up and he had on a pair of jeans. Woah, you thought to yourself, He's looking amazing today. Bob waved shyly since he was a little nervous and Wade had his unique style of smiling like a cute little dork. A they sat down at the table, Mark got the crowd even more riled up. You couldn't help yourself. Your smile grew bigger as you clapped louder. The panel was awesome.. They all talked about what they had been doing lately and answered some questions from the audience. F/n did her best to only keep her hand up and not shout. Mark had been in the audience for a while and you could tell that he was very worn out. When he returned to his seat, Bob asked, "Hey Mark, you doing ok buddy?" " Yeah, you normally run longer then that," Wade pointed out. "True," Mark panted, trying to catch his breath. "I would keep running longer for you awesome fans," he paused so he could hear the roar in the auditorium. "But this morning, I kind of had an accident." The audience gasped and asked what happened. You suddenly felt your are grow cold. Oh please just be a coincidence. "You see, I was taking a break from getting ready". Oh no. "I stepped out into the hallway for some fresh air" OH GOD!! "That was when someone ran full force into me and knocked me onto the floor" The auditorium gasped again. Your eyes widened as your hot blush returned to your cheeks. The rest of your body grew so cold as you tried not to panic. I DID RUN INTO HIM!! I DID RUN INTO HIM!!!. You heard " Who could have done such a thing?" and "How dare they?" all around. Suddenly, f/n stood up excitedly. "HEY  MARK! MY FRIEND RIGHT NEXT TO ME WAS THE ONE WHO RAN INTO YOU!!!" She shouted as she pointed frantically at you.

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