Chapter 33: f/n's past

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You ran into Mark house. You had to tell him what happened because you didn't know what to do. Chica had been released from her collar and was roaming her territory to see if anything had changed while she was gone. Mark was in the kitchen preparing what you thought was going to be lunch. He had heard you come through the door and had turned to your direction with a smile.

"What would you like me to make for lunch?" he said, not realising the fear on your face. "Mark, I need to talk to you," your voice shook and his smile diapered. He walked straight towards you, worry clearly written across his face. "What is it?" he said looking directly in your eyes. You struggled to say," I got a message from f/n, saying that she was being followed." It was then that the floodgates opened and your tears came out, "I think it's c/n." You saw Mark's fists tighten at your cousin's name. He then pulled you into a comforting embrace. Sobbing you said, "It's all my fault! She's trying to hunt me down and she know's that f/n my best friend." You paused, thinking very hard on whether you wanted to say what was on your mind out loud. Mark seemed to sense that you had something to and said, " You can say anything. I would like to try and help you out the best way that I can." You closed your eyes and let the words fall out from your mouth. "C/n hurt f/n even before she attempted to take me." You felt Mark tense up. "You want to sit down as you tell me?" his voice was comforting but at the same time a little angered.

You simply nodded your head. He broke the embrace but guide you to the couch. After you sat down, you wiped the tears away from your eyes. "Whenever you're ready," he spoke gently, "tell me what's on your mind." You inhaled and then exhaled, preparing yourself for your tale.

"Alright. Awhile ago, I used to live with my family, mom, four brothers, their children and wives, and my grandfather. This was after my father died. Anyway, they are very strict people with their own beliefs, but all that is not important right now." You paused as thought about how you were going to word the rest of the story. "I became friends with f/n, not long after my dad died. She knew how to make me smile while I was away from my family. It wasn't long before we became best friends and hung out regularly. My family didn't seem to care until the found out something about her. When I first had a sleepover at her house, I was shocked to see that she had two dads and not one mom." I took in another deep breath and saw on Mark's face that he knew where I was going with this story. " F/n told me that her biological father experimented with her mother to find his sexuality. He did find out that he loved men but he still loved her as a friend. Then he found out that she was pregnant with f/n and he planned to help raise his child. Within the mother's pregnancy, f/n's father found a boyfriend, who he adored. The boyfriend was told about his partners unborn child and willingly agreed to help in raising them. However," you broke off as you looked at Mark's face. He patently waited for your answer. "Her mom died in childbirth." you saw the pain of sadness go through Mark's eyes. You continued, "Her last wish before she died was that the biological dad would look after their child. He held her hand and said that that's what he planned to do the entire time he knew about the child's existence. After f/n told me the story, we became even closer friends, both having a dead parents. We felt that that was why we should remain friends, so that if one of us suddenly needed to grieve, the other had her back." You inhaled and exhaled, for now you were getting to the main point of the story. "As I said before, my family, excluding my mom, has their own beliefs, including that being anything other than heterosexual was wrong. Not only that, they feared that since she had homosexual parents, she would be too, and she would try to make me fall in love with her." Before you could say the next words from your mouth, a new flow of tears began flowing. " When f/n came over to our house, alone, without me there yet, they sent c/n to beat her up." I saw Mark's face become a mixture of shock and rage. " I walked home, from somewhere that I don't remember, that day to see f/n huddled in the fetal position on the ground, covering her face from the kicks coming from c/n, who was towering over her. Angrily, I charged full force at c/n, knocking her down. Without thinking, I picked up f/n and ran to the hospital. She had multiple bruises, two broken ribs, a broken arm, and a dislocated shoulder. I felt so helpless that I couldn't even retaliate against c/n. So I did the only thing I could do. I moved out of my family's house so that I could make sure they never touch her again." And with that, you let out a sigh of relief. Mark now knew of how dangerous c/n was and why you felt so terrible now that you were so far away from your dear friend. You let Mark have a moment to take it all in. Then, he asked the question that you wish he had not asked. "What is with you family that makes them act this way?"

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