Chapter 7: Surprise, Surprise

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 A/n: real quickly before this chapter. I plan to post on the weekends. Even though it's tuesday, I just felt like posting today. I hope you enjoy!

e/c= eye color h/l=hair length  h/c= hair color   

                A stampede of fans barged through the opened doors. They had their own hoodies, shirts, and even their own fan art as they formed a line. The order of where ya’ll sat, from left to right, was Wade, Bob, Mark, and you. Each person had their own lines filled with fans, most were in Mark’s. It felt weird to also be a fangirl but instead of waiting in line to see Mark, you were right next him, watching his interactions. You also didn’t know you had your own line until f/n came up to you. “I see that this line isn’t too long.” She joked. What? Why is she here? She should be in Marks line! You questioned in your mind. “I don’t have a line, f/n” “You do now!” she grinned as you noticed three of your friends came out from their lines to ‘your line’. “Huh?” you ended up saying. “Wow! Congrats y/n! Youre so awesome!” one exclaimed. “Yeah! Mark has never done this before!” Then the last one said, “Can I get your autograph?” WHAT!?!? you screamed in your mind. “O-ok then.” you got out a pen from your purse. You didn’t need to ask for their names, since you already knew them. When you looked up, your line was huge!”Woah” was the only thing you could let out. All of these smiling faces came to see you. “Uh, no offence but why are you all here?” you shyly asked. “Oh my goodness, look how cute she is!” “Wow! look at her cute h/l, h/c hair!” “ Hey your e/c eyes are so beautiful!” A nervous grin appeared on your face. What did I do exactly?!? the people were making you feel famous for some reason. I better not refuse their requests. You started signing
again. It felt weird having to spell out a stranger's full name. Every time you handed back a signed piece of paper, they gave you a genuinely happy smile. You couldn’t hold back a smile every time that happened. You weren't nervous anymore. Suddenly you heard gasps from your line but were too busy autographing to look up. When you handed the autograph to a girl, Wade was next in line.What’s going on? you looked to your left and Wade, had indeed, left his chair. “What are you doing up here wade?” You said in a confused tone. “Just wanted to get an autograph, just like the rest of your fans.” he replied. Fans? I have fans?!?! From what exactly!? “Ok” you shrugged and signed your name. “Thanks y/n.” he smiled very happily, as if he were a school girl getting a compliment from a cute boy. When you turned back to your line, Bob was there. “You too?” you chuckled “Yes please.” he nervously replied. I don’t understand what is going on. You thought as you signed. “Thank you” Bob said. You watched him return to his seat,. You then realised that Mark’s chair was empty. You, yet again, turned to your line and was greeted by Marks presence. You blushed a little bit still confused. He handed you a piece of paper and a hoodie. “Read it please.” he said gently. You read the writing and your eyes widened. “Give me a call anytime.” was on it with his number.

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