Chapter 23: The Phone Call

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"Mark?" you say, almost in disbelief. "Your the one who brought me here?" He nodded as he walked to your bedside "Are you feeling ok now?" he asked in very concerned voice. You gave a small smile at the thought that he cared so much for you, a normal fan, but you can understand, since you were almost kidnapped. "I'm not going to lie," you start, "My head and back hurt like heck." You heard him give off a soft chuckle. He seems nervous, you thought, though did not know why. "Hey, uh, I have something that I want to ask you." he said as he rubbed an elbow. Yep, he is nervous, "Sure, ask away." Though he was nervous, he managed to keep direct eye contact with you. "I don't know who the heck c/n is," He starts, taking a small breath. The thought of her scared you. You were a strong, independent woman before, but now, you felt unsafe in your own surroundings. Mark continued, "But I do know that she is too dangerous for you to stay here. And therefore, would you be ok with coming and living with me?" You could practically feel your pupils dilate{that happens when you want something}. Mark is asking me to live with him?! your inner fan girl was fan girling in the corner. You were about to immediately say yes. Then, you thought of your Mother. "Before I answer," you say with a tiny bit of guilt for not answering his question right away, "Could you please hand me my purse over there?" You pointed to the counter where your purse was on. "Sure thing." he said as he picked it up and brought it to you. "Thank you" you say as you pull out your phone. Before you called your mom, you looked towards Mark, "I know that you just came in, and I'm sorry for doing this, but could you please step out for a little bit?" He gave a warm smile, "There's no need to be sorry." With that, he walked out and gently closed the door. You smiled and unlocked your phone. There were three missed calls from Mom. On Sundays, she would call you from her church. This was because your family monitors all the calls that your mom makes at home. They also didn't know where you were. So, when she finished church{ any religion that you choose}, she calls you to make sure that you are ok. You dialed her and waited. The phone only rang once. "Baby, are you ok?" she said in a worried tone. "I sensed that something bad happened. Tell me what happened" Though you didn't live with her, you loved your mom very much. She was the only family member that you could open up to, besides your father, and cared for f/n. You were glad that moms came with a special ability that notifies them when their child was going through something. You had held back tears about the incident until now. Now, you let them fall. "Mommy!" you say, not disguising your voice {It might be weird of you to call her mommy when you're a teen but when your alone, in need of help, or emotional, you call her that}. "C/n tried to kidnap me!" You could hear her gasp. "What?" she said, sounding shocked. "I was at the store this morning with f/n. It was all fine until we ran into her. Soon after we left, she ran up to us, beat us up, and choked me out, until I fainted." you sobbed. Tears clouded your vision. "Oh, my precious child!" her voice shook with her tears. "Are you ok now?" "Mom, if it weren't for a new friend, I would have been taken." You stopped to take a few breaths. "I should have seen the signs. They took this too far." You heard her say. "What? *sniff*"  "Listen to me," she started, "You need to get out of here. I know c/n will try to take you once again." her tone was serious and worrisome. "That's what I called you for," you begin, "The person who saved me wants me to live with them." "Then do it." She said. "Also, when you go to your new place, don't call me. It is too risky to have communication between us. We don't want them to find you again." You tried to stop crying. "Understood."  You were just about to hang up. "Y/n," she started. "Yes?" "Be safe. I love you, dear." You began to cry again, "I love you too, Mommy." She hung up the phone, leaving you to your thoughts. For the next few minutes, you cried. That would be the last time that you would be able to speak to your mom for a while. Knowing this broke your heart. You heard a soft knock on the door. "Are you ok?" Mark's muffled voice asked. You stopped crying and wiped your tears away. "I'm good come in." you weakly say. When he came in, he saw that you had been crying. "What's wrong?" Not wanting to see him worrying, you forced a smile. "Nothing. Why wouldn't I be fine? I mean, I get to live with the one, and only, Markiplier!"

A/n hey, its me. I know that this chapter might be a little confusing in some parts that tie to the story. So, if there is anything confusing, just tell me. I hate the feeling and I would hate it for any one else to feel it. Anyway, I'm having a great summer so far and I hope you do too!

Becoming a Plier (Markiplier x reader) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now