A/N and Chapter 31: Smiles

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  Hello! Happy New Year! Oh my goodness. A new year has come and, ever since December 28, I am sixteen! It was an awesome Birthday, filled with love and awesome Dr Who related presents, shocking me since I could not believe my family had the money to do so, and an extremely addictive game that goes by the name of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. But enough about that. Another thing great thing that happened was that I was Tagged for the first time by @_Amazing_Alex_ to talk a little bit about me. 

  I will post this chapter and then write a tiny bit about my self after it. It will be in bold so you won't think that it is part of the actual story and don't feel forced to read it. I just wanted to do this because it's my first time being tagged to do something. Please enjoy this chapter and/or my life facts!

You happily got into the backseat shotgun part of the car to pickup Chica, the new edition to the Fischbach family, at the local kennel. From the videos you watched with her, she seemed to be one of the most adorable puppies ever. Since you never had a dog before, your wanting to cuddle them was magnified. The loyalness and unconditional love they provided made your heart melt. So, since you were temporarily living with Mark, you expected that you would have to take part in caring for her. It could be a tiny problem, due to her size, but you will find a way to manage. You looked out the window while Mark drove, feeling weird and out of place in this new city. Also, the silence of the drive seemed a little awkward (Mark doesn't normally drive with the radio on.) He did break the silence however. "Ohhhh it's going to be so cute to see you meet Chica for the first time in person!" He said all estatically. A small smile formed on your face. "I don't really know, Mark. She might pick up on my nervousness," you replied looking at him through the rearview mirror. Like a safe driver, he didn't take his eyes off the road but still answered, "Hehe, that just means that will she want to stay by your side to make sure you're fine." His words made you smile, for it gave you the image of Chica sitting right beside you, panting sweetly and letting you scratch her ears. You continue to look out the window, and happen to see an adorable couple, holding hands as they walked down the sidewalk together. They were both male, one being around twenty four and the other close to twenty. Wanting to be polite, you smile and wave at them as you passed by. Seeing you, they both smiled and back at you, making your smile even bigger. "What are you so happy about?" Mark said playfully in response to your smile. "Oh nothing," you say, still grinning, "I just love to see people smiling because of something I did." Mark himself smiled, "As do I, y/n." 

The ride continued for only a few more minutes before Mark announced, "We're here!" He shifted into park, unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. He waited for you to get out before you both entered the building. He held the door for you, like a gentleman, and you both were greeted by a very cute guy at the front desk. "Hello, how may I help you two today?" he smiled warmly at you and Mark, maybe a little more towards you. Mark walked up to the desk, "I have come to pick my dog, Chica." Mark said very casually. "Alright sir, may I please see your information?" The man asked. Mark nodded and searched through his pockets. The the man at the desk took this time to smile at you and say, "How are you doing today, Ma'am?" You smiled at the fact that he referred to you as an adult. "I am doing fine. Thank you for asking," you replied politely. One second later, Mark put a piece of important paper on the desk. The man read at the paper, gave it back to Mark and got out from behind the desk. He then said "I will be right back,"and walked through the door behind him. It was then Mark looked at you and smiled. "I think he likes you," he said calmly. You blushed a little bit. "You think so?" you asked. After all, you hardly get told that another guy likes you. You knew you were naturally good looking but didn't what guys thought of you, since you were not really the interactive type. You didn't get time to think much more about this subject because you heard the sound of puppy claws on the hard floor, coming towards you. Mark walked closer to the door to greet his precious puppy, but to you, he simply said, "Prepare yourself for a cuddle attack." Then, the door opened. 

Me Time!

I'm going to keep this not too long but I will have at least 10 things about me!

Also, Spelling Errors!

1) I live in the Northeast part of America

2)I am, as of right now, a sophomore in High School

3) I love listening to pop music and emo rock ( Some enjoyable songs include My Demons by Starset, Centuries by Fall out Boy, and Here by Alessia Cara)

4) Shows that I will enjoy no matter what people think include Modern Dr Who, Pokemon, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic ( Don't confuse me with enjoying MLP generation 3 *shivers*) and the Big Bang Theory. 

5) Some things that I do not like to watch: Teen Titans Go! (it's an insult to real Teen Titans) Modern day Spongebob Squarepants (unsettling, slow and the fact that I feel Spongebob is being very sexual towards Squidy. Nothing wrong with being gay it's just that Spongebob is being creepy when he does it) and when Markiplier plays a rage game. *whimpers*

6) I want to be an animator. To me, that is one of the best ways to entertain people while helping you practice your own artwork. 

7) I love to see peoples reactions. Like how the Fine Brothers Entertainment do it.

8) I live with my mom, brother, and two cats.

9) I love to draw and I do say that I have talent at drawling. I don't draw using a computer. I draw picture with pencils, paper, colored pencils, and my hands. Recently, I must say, I have been drawling my self as my pony oc. Please don't judge me too hard.

10) Finally, one true story before I go. In sixth grade, I had a teacher who was a profesionall writer. Since we had her, my class and I practiced writing correctly and writing stories. It was that same school year that I found out I had a small disablity. It basically made it hard for me to translate what was on my mind into a written story. For example, I would know what I wanted to say for my story but I would forget words or even full sentences. I would get frustrated because when other people would read my stories, it would not make since to them. Also, I was not really able to see my mistakes for my self because my mind would fill in the mistakes.  When my mom found out by my teacher, she tried to help me by making me rewrite my works. Being stubern, I refused to rewrite, since I do not like to have to redo things that I have already done. So, Mom helped me by having me say what I wanted to be written down and she writing it down for me. Today, as you know, I'm writing two fan fictions, by myself, one of which has a lot of reads and positive comments. It is awesome to know that I have managed to overcome an obstical and be able to entertain many people as a reward. So I thank you, the reader who is reading this, for coming this far into this story. I'm so glad that I have made it this far to give you something to look forward to reading. I am sorry for the long waits between stories but understand that will finish this with a (hopefully) good ending. So now, I say goodbye to thee.

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