Chapter 15: Your Dream

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You stood on a blocky, dirt house, without anything to do. You're just waiting for something, although, you don't know what. Next, you realise that you were not as tall as you were before. As it turns out, you are the pokemon that you used for a skin in Minecraft. Ok, so i'm a p/n. I can't do much about that. You jumped down to the ground. When you landed on the ground, you heard an explosion in the distance. Curious, you traced the the noise back to it's source. There was a huge crater with a few blocks stuck in the air. Along with it, a huge Zombie towering over you. You were not afraid though. You charged at the monster and shot through his stomach. He jolted back at the impact. You dashed to your right to avoid being squashed by his backwards stumbling. Enraged, he let out a battle yell. You let out a mighty roar "P/N!" [you know, because almost all pokemon have a cry that is actually their name.] as you gained even more courage and strength. He stomped towards you. You quickly leap into the air and landed on his shoulder. You [pick an attack] him directly into his head. The stored up power made the attack more powerful then normal. It ended up destroying him completely. You gracefully land on the ground, victory in your paws, um, claws, uh, whatever replaced your hands. Just as you were about to leave, however, you were startled by a woman's voice, "NO! ZOMBIE!" You look up to the sky and saw LatinGoddess, [she's one of the behind the scenes players in Drunk Minecraft and is the girlfriend of Zombiemold, just in case you didn't know] enraged with tears streaming down her face. That glare she had tore at your soul. Did I just kill her boyfriend?! He looked like a normal zombie! "You're going to pay for that, you stupid p/n!!" her voice cracking in rage.Crap, now I'm going to fight her! She killed Mark many times and that was just for messing around, playfully drunk! I can only imagine what she has in store for me! At that moment, deep, dark clouds, more dark then the night sky, rumbled in. You became the target for the many strikes of lightning that shot out in many directions. Without thought,  you dodged them swiftly, while preparing an attack that can hit targets at a distance. When you launched your chosen attack, it knocked the heartbroken Latin out of the sky, Seeing her plummet filled you with remorse. You rushed to catch her. She grunted the moment you caught her. You laid her down gently on the ground. Due to dream logic, Zombie's corpse appeared next to you, the way his Minecraft skin normally looks. "I'm sorry" you managed to say in english. "I-I just wanted to be with the one I loved" she whispered. "Is there anything that I can do to make it up to you?" you ask as guilt pledged your heart. "HAVEN'T YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH?!?!" she sat up and screamed. Her sudden motion caused you to stumbled back a little bit. She fell back to the ground and began to sob even harder until she stopped breathing. Then something creepy happened. Both her body and Zombies body underwent a transformation. It was too bright to stare at so you looked away. When they finished, you gasped at their lifeless corpses. Her figure resembled yours and his figure... resembled Mark's. They then began rotting. "URG!" the gross sight forced you to look away. The thought of seeing Mark dead unnerved you and you began to sob. After all, you technically killed him. "Y/N!" you heard coming from the heavens. "What?" you say confused with tears streaming hard down your face. "Y/N! Wake up! It's Ok!" your eyes slowly opened. You saw Mark holding onto your shoulder and felt hot tears on your face. "Y/n, it's ok now. It was just a dream" he comforts you. You couldn't control yourself. You soon found yourself hugging him.

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