Chapter 25: Goodbye F/n

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                       I'm SO sorry for being late.  On Sunday,I lost track of time and had not typed anything out. I didn't want to publish a little paragraph to make up the whole chapter so I wanted to wait for a little bit to have a full chapter typed. Just to show why I might wait a wile, it takes me about an hour to type one chapter out. Anyway, I want to do something very special for Sunday, since it's Mark's birthday. Ok, here's the chapter. Enjoy!

The day of the flight. As you walked in the airport, you remembered this mornings events. You woke up to find everything that you and Mark needed packed. Your flight was this morning and you had to get ready.While Mark was loading everything into his car, you strapped on your backpack {which had your purse, bathroom needs, and a small change of clothes} and you walked to a thing of luggage to help with the loading. You didn't have a hard time picking it up, since it only had your computer and you were some what strong. However, Mark had insisted that he took care of the luggage. It was very sweet of him to do this but you preferred to do these types of things by yourself. So you ended up keeping the backpack on and pulling a suitcase. After you received your ticket from Mark at the airport, you felt extremely nervous. If I leave here, what will happen to Mom and f/n? What will the rest of the family do? Do they know where I am now or where I will be? were the thoughts that fluttered in your mind. They continued until you snapped back to reality when you saw a familiar face running towards you. Seconds later, f/n was hugging and had practically knocked you over during the impact. "Hey f/n. I see you're out of school," "EK! I wouldn't be stuck in class while you took off for a new home with Markimoo!" she chimmed. "Speaking of which," she said turning towards Mark, "You better take good care of her. I don't want anything happening to her." Mark smiled, "I'm pretty sure that that's the whole point of the plan." F/n gave a cute fan girl chuckle. However, she suddenly stopped, seeming as though she had just remembered something. "Oh, I just remembered!" she said as she rummaged through her pockets "TA-DA!" she exclaimed, revealing a bracelet of your favorite color. "I know you don't usually wear jewelry but I wanted to get you something nice for safe travels." She took hold of your hand and slipped it on. It was perfect. "Thank you f/n! It's beautiful!" you smiled and pulled her into another hug. "Hey y/, is that your friend?" you ended the hug to see Bob and Wade approaching you. "Yep, this is f/n. She came so that she could say goodbye." you say smiling. F/n grinned, "It's awesome to meet the both of you" "It's nice to meet you too, f/n. But I'm afraid that we must leave now. The flight is starting to board," Bob said."Oh. Ok" f/n looked at you. You could tell that she was upset to have to see you go, yet she was relieved that you were moving somewhere safer than here. She nods a goodbye and you nod back. "Take care," she says as you leave with the men. "Bye." you waved at her. You didn't stop until you were on the plane and couldn't see her anymore. You sat in your seat and sighed. Mark joined you as soon as everything was put away. "Don't worry," he said, since he could tell that you were a little upset. "Hum?" you face him. Mark smiled, "I will protect you." 

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