Chapter 35: Getting Comfortable

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Stay tuned after this chapter. I have been tagged to talk about 15 things about me and there you will find it.

With the dishes neatly put to be washed, you head back to your room. Mark had said that he was going to record some videos, so you figured that he did not to be disturbed. He did say that you could hang out with Chica for the time being, which you happily accepted. You felt one of two adorable creatures swiftly brush past you so she could examine your room. You close your door behind you and headed back to the computer. You had decided to watch Wade's video to see if any of the comments might have revealed any of your identity. Nervously, you click the video again and scroll through the comments as Wade vloged. There were a lot of comments. A LOT of comments but you patently read each one. It wasn't that difficult though, for you loved to get or see feedback from other people who also experienced what you experienced {Like a certain writer who created this story ;) } Then, your scrolling slowed down. It was at this moment that you realised that most of the comments.....were positive towards you. Sure there were the trolls but you never payed any mind to those "people". Like the murmurs you heard in you line at the panel, they complimented on how cute you were, they wished that they were in your position right now and wondered if they were ever going to see your real face. You breathed a sigh of relief. By some miracle, no one commented on what you looked like before the video was edited. Alright, you think, now that I got this out of the way, I can watch other videos. You decided that you wanted to watch some gmod. You clicked a video and watched while petting Chica, who sat right next to you on the floor. As you watch, you discovered that you wanted Mark to play some gmod hide and seek, and or one day you might be able to play it too. You lost yourself in the videos until you heard a gentle knock on the door. You paused your current video and turned to face the door; Chica happily troted to it. "Come in," Mark opened the door to be greeted by his puppy. He ruffled her fur for a second before she squeezed by him to get out. Mark chuckled, "Well fine Chica, I'll play with you on your time later." You gave off a quick smile just before he continued, "I just wanted to let you know that I finished one video but I'm taking a break before the next. Is there anything that you want?" You were about to say, "I'm good but thanks for asking" but you stopped yourself. Since you were living with him, you would really like it if he and you got to know each other, most preferably through videogames. So, you ask, not knowing how he would take it, "I know you just played a game for one of your videos, but I was wondering. W-would it be alright if we can play some games, together? We don't have to record them, of course." You added the last part in for an innocent effect. "Sure, just let me take care of some business," Mark says as he heads to the bathroom. You silently squeal with happiness. To play with your favorite Youtuber is a dream not most fans experience, and it is going to happen very soon. It felt like an eternity but soon you heard the toilet flush, a sink being used, and finally a Mark walking into your room again. "Follow me. We can play where I record videos," he said as he beckoned with his arm. He left and you followed him all the way to his recording area. Your heart skipped a beat. His workplace was amazing, equiped with everything you needed to do Let's Plays and gaming. "Just tell me what you want to play and I will set it up," Mark said after you got a moment to take in your surroundings. You pondered for a moment but finally came to the conclusion. { Write what game you want to play and I will choose one of the suggested. If you don't, it will be a game I want to play personally >:) }

Ok @TrinnyBear32 , I have written 15 things about me. But since you tagged me, I would like to thank you, though I'm sure these people will disagree.  Speaking of which, hear they are now!





@Zoey Redbird                (P.S I'm addicted to the H. O .N. series. I've finished book 8 already XD)

@Random fluffiness


@Mackenzie Cookie








                                                                       Ok everyone, good luck!


1.All of the rules must be written

2.You have to write 15 facts about yourself

3.Refusing is not an option (Way do you think I'm doing it for? XD)

4.After being tagged, you must do this within a week (sorry for the stress)

5.Creative names are mandatory (Not two people have the same creative mind!)

6.You can only write it in a story you wrote, being made only for tags/challenges or story that has nothing to do with this. No message boards, comments, or conversations

7. 15 people have to be tagged by you

                                                          Ok, here I go. Short but sweet.

1.I was born in Texas but grew up in Ohio

2.I have Trypanophobia (Fear of injections)

3.My middle name id Yvetta, my moms name

4.For the longest time, I believed that everyone had dyslexia and therefore, when the word is used, it is used in a playful manner (I am dyslexic so that's why I thought it was normal)

5.My brother and I were raised by a single parent, our mom. She literally is a strong independent women... WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN!

6.I had a tonsillectomy on October 28 2015, and after enduring the recovery, I would not wish the pain I went through on my greatest enemy.

7.I want to be an animator but I suck at drawing with a computer.

8.My first job was through a program my school provided over the summer. I was a receptionist at the nearby hospital at 14 years old.

9.Last week from this publishing on April 27, 2016, I got a new tabby kitten name Prince.

10.Unlike most teen girls, I can say I got a pony for my 16 birthday. Of course, it was a Dr. Whooves plushie but it still counts in my book!

11.As of today, I have never been to any theme or amusement parks ( including Disneyland Disney World, etc. The only remotely thing close to that is the annual fair, but I only go on the rides

12.I enjoy watching anime, though I am still a newbie with it.

13.The first Youtube video I watched was an episode of Gotham Girls my brother had shown me.

14.I have a backpack-purse(that's what I call a small backpack, that can easily be used instead of a purse

15.I one day hope to animate a video for Markiplier, when I get everything an animator needs

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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