Chapter 12: Chillin with Minecraft

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[Ok, I do not know individually and with that, I do not know if you are a fan of pokemon. For this reason, I will have y/n not know a lot about it but still have a favorite kind of pokemon. If you don't have a favorite, make one up.]

  m/a =Minecraft account                                   p/n= favorite pokemon

The bathroom door was cracked open and you saw a shirtless Mark. Your blush deepened as you backed away slowly. Not wanting him to see how red you were when he did come out, you got your favorite blanket and sat on the couch. You covered yourself completely and pulled out your phone to text f/n. [the dash means a text]- y/n-Why did u bring him here?!-f/n-oh come know ur enjoying it ;)-y/n- its embarrassing.I just met him yesterday! >:(-f/n- what's wrong with that-y/n-it's weird knowing a lot about a guy when he barely knows me.-f/n- if u have a problem, y didn't u text me sooner?-y/n- I just now saw him shirtless-f/n-OMG thats g8!- you facepalmed yourself. -y/n- No its not! It was an accident and now I feel a lot more uncomfortable!! O>.<O- f/n- well there's nothing I can do about it is there?- you thought for a moment, She was right. She couldn't tell him what to do. You felt the covers being yanked from your head. You were facing directly at Marks face. Not taking a chance to see if he was still shirtless, you covered your face with your phone. "Well hi there little rabbit" you peeked through your fingertips.whew he has a shirt on you sighed in your head. "Who are you texting" he said , eyeing your phone while it still was in texting mode.[ I don't text a lot so I don't know what its name is] "Oh just f/n" You say not making direct eye contact. "What are were you talking about" he said as he sat down beside you. "We were just talking about, you know, fangirl stuff." "Nice. So, what do you plan on doing today." you hadn't really thought about that. "I don't really know. Do you have any suggestions?" He pondered the thought for a few seconds. "How about Minecraft?" YEAH-UH!! your fangirl side cheered. "I haven't played it before."  "What!?!?" you were julted by how unexpected his reaction was, "How could you not have played it" "Could you please teach me how to play?" you asked not knowing how his next reaction will go. "Sure!" After that, you took Mark to your work room where your computer was. You brought an extra chair for him to sit in. He helped you create an account but a question plagued the back of your mind. "Hey Mark, can you show me how to buy a minecraft skin?" "No problem. Do you have anything in mind?" you put a hand to your chin and thought carefully. "can you search for p/n please?" He nodded and typed the name in as you spelled it.Man, I wish I could type like that. "Is this it?" you looked up from your keyboard and saw a p/n. "Yes that's it" You clicked on it. "By the way, what is a p/n" he seemed interested with the skin "Oh, it's my favorit pokemon, though i don't really know much about it" He chuckled. "That is the same way for me, execpt I personaly like Bidoof. You smiled when you rembered finding out that fact in his little one off of Poke Slender. You then bought the skin.

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