Chapter 17: In The Morning

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Your phone went off at 9am. You quickly got up and got your things for a shower. Since you were in a hurry, you finished and dried off all in four minutes. You were going to go normale shopping with f/n, since you did not know if Mark had anything to do. After all, you were no longer sick and he had a life of his own. You did want to thank him before you left, however.What should I do to thank him? you wandered. You then remember the episode of OFF when he encountered a whale and how excited he got. I believe that I do have whale crackers. Maybe he might like them. You searched through your cupboards and found the blue box with them. I hope he likes them. He might not because he might think they taste like Cheez-its ™. But he could think that they taste like Goldfish™. [Also, this is an actual snack. I must say that since it is one of my favorites.]  You got some out in a bowl and walked over to the sleeping angel. You set the bowl on the table next to him. A problem occured on how you were going to wake him up. What should I do? You thought for a few seconds before you lightly tapped his shoulder. As soon as your hand was on his shoulder, though, he put his big, strong hand on your small one. Well, your hand was small compared to his. Woah, his hand is strong but soft. you blushed a tiny bit. "Morning Mark." When you looked into his eyes as he awoke, you could not look away. They had a soft mocha glow about them. "Hum, morning y/n" he sleepily said. He then noticed that his hand was on yours and he carefully moved it. You blush faded and you relaxed a little. "Uh, I got this for you as a thank you for helping me get better."you reached over for the bowl. He gasped as you handed it to him. Oh no, what did I do? "WHALES!!!!" He shouted happily. A wave of relief rushed over you as you watched him eat the whales, after he pretended that they could swim of course. "Thank you so much y/n. This was very creative of you." No problem. Also, I'm doing some shopping with f/n this morning and I just wanted to say that you can leave at anytime." He paused from eating. "Maybe I could go with." "No it's ok. We need to get certain things that you might not feel comfortable around." you say with a small nervous smile. " Like what? The Great Markiplier ain't afraid of anything." he replied as he kissed his muscle on his arm. "So, you won't mind holding pads?" That caught him completely off guard. "Oh..." you giggled. There was a knocking at the door. "Come in" you say and f/n walks in. "ready to go y/n?" "Yep," you say with a smile. "Bye Mark." "Bye Bye Markimoo!" f/n said as she closed the door.

~Time skip to the store in the Pad area~

Ok, I think that's enough to last me for the next two months. You think. You placed them in your cart and was about to check out. Thats when you heard f/n whimper. "F/n, what's wrong" you ask. You didn't need to hear her response, for you saw that she was looking at her.

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