Chapter 6: Before The Signing

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When Mark asked you to go to the signing, ( fans wanted him to autograph things like their newly bought Markiplier T-shirts) you were, honestly shocked. “Are y-you sure?” Even though you sat with Bob, Wade, and Mark, you still felt a little nervous. “Sure I’m sure.” He smiled at you. “Yeah we don’t mind.” Bob pitched in. “Ok” you said while forming a small smile.[Remember, you’re shy around adults] “ Come this way this way then,” Mark said as he guided you towards the signing tables. Wow, he certainly is being nice to me, even though we met face to face about 30 minutes ago! you thought. When you approached the table, you saw Wade coming over with an extra chair. “Thanks Wade.” you replied shyly as he sat it down beside you. “Anything for the fan of the day.” you smiled as you sat down. Mark then took a seat next to you. It kind of weird because before, he was standing next to you. You felt the sensation of both nervousness and bliss. Ok y/n, calm down. You are here with your hero now. He is just a normal thought, trying to slow down your heartbeat. This is awesome. Any fan girl would love to be in your shoes. You couldn’t help but look over at Mark now.You two were alone. The nervousness didn’t come from the guilt of running into him, so what was it from? “Sp y/n,” Mark started to say. You gave him your full attention. “Did you enjoy the panel?” “Yeah, it was pretty cool. Thanks for choosing this city, since it’s small and all.” you felt a little calmer, just by talking to him alone for some reason. “Don’t mention it. Also, I didn’t mean to embarrass you when I came to your seat.” You remembered those frightful feelings. “Uh, don’t worry about it.” you tried to shrug it off. At that moment, An awkward moment occurred. Both you and Mark stared deep into others in total silence. You blushed but couldn’t look away. You were captivated by the soft mocha color that filled his eyes. It wasn’t until Bob showed up when the contact was broken. “Do you know where Wade is?” he asked, a little weirded out on the moment that he interrupted. “You know Wade. He is probably off doing stupid stuff. Mark replied. You couldn’t help but giggle. “What are you giggling about?” Wade asked as he walked in the room. “Mark made a funny” you found yourself saying. Why did I say that? you questioned yourself “Ok then, what was so funny?” the confused Wade asked. “Nothing really important” Bob replied “Hey I just wanted to see what she thought was funny. After all, she is a V.I.P” You smiled. “Very Impatant Person, judging by the force she had when she hit Mark!” Wade laughed. Your smile faded and was replaced by embarrassment. “Ok, seriously Wade? Stop it. Can’t you tell that y/n doesn’t want to talk about it anymore?” Mark sternly said. Did he just defend me? you thought as your eyes said ‘thank you’ to Mark. “Any way, are we all ready?” Mark asked “Sure” Bob replied. “Of course” Wade said. “And how about you y/n?” Mark turned to you. You simply nodded and replied “Ready” “Great” Mark smiled.You all sat down in your chairs and he motioned for the doors to open.

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