Chapter 18: Her

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Hope you like the video. It was surprisingly easy to add. I found it out not too long ago and now I can't stop watching it. Oh, and it goes without saying that I did not make the video.

Also, this chapter will contain one curse word so I appologise in advance {And sorry for all the spelling errors} Bye for now!

c/n= her name        .

     This girl had h/l, h/c hair, e/c eyes, wore too much make up and showed off too much of her skin. She Just stood there with her disgusting false smile. And though you hated her, she was blood to you, your cousin to be exact. " Why, hello y/n. I see you're doing well" She said in her valley-girl accent, which makes you want to clear your own throat. F/n stepped back a little bit and c/n noticed. "Yeah walk backwards you little.." "Stay back," you extended your arm to keep c/n away from your friend. "Don't get any closer to her" C/n looked shocked. "What's wrong little baby y/n? I ain't here to hurt no body."  She had an eerie smile. "We are in kind of a rush" you firmly say. Not only was almost that time of the month, you didn't trust c/n to be around your cousin. "Let's go." you say as you walked away. However, you felt a sharp tug on the hood of your hoddie.{You loved the hoodie so much that you wear it all of the time, unless I write otherwise.} C/n had pulled you into a "hug" "You can't leave me without a hug, little one" She said evilly. "Whats wrong with you?! LET ME GO!!" You pulled away quickly. "What? What wrong with an embrace from a family member?" her fake smile grinned. You glared at her, "Because a 26 year old hugging a teenager like that could be seen as doing something illegal," you growled. You hated to be touched by anyone without wanting it. It Made you feel most uncomfortable. "Well, I did not know that." you could tell that she was lying by that smile. "I'll beat you up if you touch me again." You felt your nails sink into your flesh as they formed a fist. "You wouldn't do that," she said crossing her arms, "You're too shy to even attempt attracting any attention." You gritted your teeth. "Fine, we'll leave before there is blood-shed" you say as you gently took hold f/n's hand. "Too late," she said in a quivery voice. "What?" you faced her to see tears of embarrassment fall down her face. When you looked down at her legs, there were a few trails of blood rolling down them. "F/n," you say in a concerning and caring voice. C/n snickered. "It looks like your ovaries are crying, probably because they will never get..." "SHUT UP YOU SLUT!" You raged at her. Your face turned red because you felt that cursing was just empty air, only used to bring people down. "You know she isn't like that." C/n was stunned at first but then smiled evilly. You looked at f/n and gently said, "Go to the bathroom while I pay for these pads." She nodded her head and took off for the girls room. You glared at c/n. "I hate your guts." you say, bitterly. "Why would you say such a harsh word like that? I never did anything to you." She tried to sound innocent. "I know, but it was what you did to f/n. Now stay the F {you forced yourself not to curse right there} away from us." And with that, you dashed off to the checkout. Better make this quick you think, remembering f/n's situation. Once the pads were purchased,  you dashed to the bathrooms. Inside, you heard quiet sniffling from the only closed stall. You knocked on it. "Hey," you say in a nursing voice, "I got the pads." The sniffling stopped. "Thank you," her shaky voice answered, "Throw one over." You threw on pad over the stall before you entered one. You had not started but you didn't want to take a chance. "Y/n?" she said a little after to you applied a pad to your underwear. "Yes?" "I'm sorry for the troubled caused." You froze. "F/n, you did absolutely nothing wrong." "No, If I lived a different way, your family might accepted me and not.." "That's enough. They are just misguided people and have their own ways of living. I wanted to be friends with you and no one, not even my family, will change that." There was a small moment of silence as you both exited your stalls. "Thanks" She said. You gave a small smile "No problem." You gave her a quick hug and then left the store. Just before you started to leave for her house, to try and help her clean up, you heard the sound of running towards you. "Hum?" you say just before you started to turn your head. You didn't have to turn all the way to see that it was c/n, for at that moment, she picked you up off the ground and held you to the point where you could not touch the ground.

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