Chapter 21: Mark's P.O.V.

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This chapter will also be in Mark's P.O.V. but in a different way. I would also like your feedback on which way you would prefer me to write when I do another chapter from Mark's eyes. Just say 20 or 21, I mean, if you want too. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

As soon as got to the hospital, I parked the car and carefully took y/n out. F/n had gathered enough strength to hold herself up and walk while we rode in the car. When we entered, everyone was staring. Immediately, a few nurse came with a gurney. Before I knew what was going on, I placed y/n on the gurney. How could anyone even attack these two awesome girls? What caused them to do so? I thought as I saw y/n's unconscious body. Just a few hours ago, I saw her grow better from her small sickness and now someone just ups and attacks her. I should have taken a picture of that woman. Oh well. F/n and y/n are in safe hands and that is all that matters. I watched as y/n was taken into a room,soon followed by f/n. I couldn't do anything else so I sat do in the waiting room. Something chewed me up.I wanted to know that woman's problem and id either y/n or f/n knew her. The chewing feeling was not to get revenge on her. No. It was a feeling of providing protection. What was strange was that I felt it stronger towards y/n. It might have been because I had grown to know y/n more than f/n or the fact that I actually saw that woman choke y/n out. I couldn't tell but to be frank, I didn't care for the reasoning. Also, if anyone attacks someone, it is clear that they will have no problem attacking in the future.There was blood drawn, meaning there could be more blood shed. I grit my teeth thinking of all this happening again. Then, a fear that I might not even show up next time. "Are you ok sir?" a nurse said to me. "Huh?" I came out of my deep thoughts and realized that I had made a fist. "Uh, yes fine," I say as I gave off a small smile.

~30 minute time skip~

I was texting Bob and Wade, still trying to explain why I could not make it to our breakfast meet up. Like me, they could not understand the purpose of the attack. "Um, Mark?" I hear a small timid voice which turns out to be f/n. She was accompanied by a doctor. "What is is?" I say practically jumping out of my seat. "The Doctor wants me to tell what happened when we were attacked." she said shyly. This time, I actually got up from my chair. F/n looked nervous but willing to tell the story. "The woman that attacked us was c/n l/n, y/n's cousin." "What?!" I say in disbelief but not too loud since f/n seemed already afraid. "Why would she do that to her own cousin?" F/n shook her head, "I don't know but I know that it was an attempt at kidnapping." A cold chill ran down my spine. Kidnapping your own family? What the actual fudge?!?! I grit my teeth. That was when f/n gave a timid smile. "But you saved her." That one sentence. A message that I get from so many members of this community. But when they said it, they were talking about my goofy videos. In this case, I actually, physically saved someone. Another thought hit me. If this c/n was able to try and kidnap y/n once, I would not be surprised if she did it again. The most terrifying factor is that I don't that woman. I don't know her motives or how she acts. All I know is that she is a danger to y/n. "Mr. Fischbach, are you the garden of miss l/n" The doctor's words brought me back to reality. "No, no i'm just a friend." That is when an idea hit me. It was was so powerful that I swayed a bit to the left. "Mark? Are you ok?" f/n said since she saw me sway a bit. "Yes, i'm ok" What if I have y/n live with me until I understand c/n plans? I could prevent another attempt at kidnapping from occurring. "Doctor, my I see if y/n is alright?" I say, trying to sound casual. "Once she comes too. We also need to examine her to make sure she does not have any damage to her brain since the back of it was wounded," he replied. "I understand," I say as a sit back down. I then watch as f/n goes back into her room. I wonder how y/n will react when I tell her that I want her to come with me to L.A.

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