Chapter 1; Background/Intro

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If any of you haven't read any of my books and are new, here's a little guide to understanding the different signs you will be seeing in this book.

This means a new day has begun; _________________ 

This means same day, just skipped ahead to a later part of the day; ******************** 

This means something is happening simultaneously; /////////////////////////// 

This means flashback; /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (these may or may not be in this story, I'm still not sure yet but just in case). 

This means examples; ||||||||||||||||||||||||| (let's say that I was talking about Rhodey and Tony growing up together and showing the progression of their friendship - I would use these |||||||| to show different examples of how they have always been there for one another or how they changed from when they were 4 or how they balance one another out. It will make sense in the reading, but I also may not use it because I don't know what I would use those for. 

I don't wish to sound mean; I am just using this as a warning for new readers and some of my followers already. 

Another important piece of information; I know most, if not all writers that aren't me write around 1,000-2,000 words per chapter, some even 3,000 words, but I am not one of those writers. I made a goal with myself when I started writing to write a minimum of 4,000 words per chapter. The majority of the time, I succeed that goal, but other times, I do not. 

In this book, some chapters are 4,000 words+. Very few are going to be 3,000 words, but if they are, I make sure to make up for it in the next chapter or two. 

If you do not like how much I write in the chapters, then please do not complain or tell me how much you hate it. I have many fans messaging me saying they love how much I write, more than the average writer, so if you do not like more than 2-3,000 words per chapter, then I'm sorry, but my books are not for you. I am not going to change how many words I put into my chapters because I get like 10 people saying how much they hate I write in the chapters when the rest love it. 



Art teacher

He doesn't believe in homework/quizzes/tests/midterms/finals

He's considered one of the more attractive professors because he's younger than almost all of them, excluding his friends. 

Out of his friends, he is considered to be the impulsive one; while Thor is just as bad, Steve is the only one out of their friend group to run into a gun fight with no weapons at all. Bucky has his metal arm which he uses to block bullets, Nat always has a knife, or some small weapon hidden somewhere in her clothes, and Thor always has a gun or sword. 

He loves to read; only wears his glasses to read

While he may be a teacher, but he also sells art and paints murals for other schools, including his work.

He loves his job and works with students who want to become artists or teachers later. 

He takes his students on trips sometimes, but this year he doesn't; this year is different.

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