Chapter 19; You Hypocrite!

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"How did you do that?" Steve nudged him as the teen was over his place.

"Oh, easy. I have access to a lot of places because of my dad." Tony hummed as he was finishing up his fries.

"Why'd you do that though?" Steve looked at him curiously.

"You protect us from danger; we protect you. It works both ways." Tony shrugged, then hummed happily as he took a sip of his milkshake.

Steve smiled and leaned over to kiss him, then pulled him out of his chair and into his room.

Tony giggled as he followed him into the bedroom as Steve scoffed from his childlike attitude.




"What would you do if someone else kissed me?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that or would you leave?" Tony looked at him curiously.

"Bitch, it is 8:30 in the Goddamn morning. It is too early for this." Steve glared, then shoved the covers over himself and turned over in bed.

"I had to pee and I can't go back to bed. My mind wanders, Stevie." Tony reasoned.

"Stevie! Hold me!" He whined as he tugged on his arms.

He got out of bed, walked around to his side, pulled the covers down, then got back into bed and smiled as he nestled close to the man.

"Much better." He hummed.

Steve chuckled, then kissed his forehead and moved over to lay atop the brunette, "now you can hold me."

Tony scoffed, but held him close and combed through his hair gently, "hmm, my Stevie."

They both were about to fall asleep again when someone came bursting through the man's bedroom door.

"Yo, Steve, where-oh, my God!"

"Sam?" Steve gaped and shot up from his bed to see his other two friends at his place.

"Uh... ha, ha," Tony chuckled awkwardly and gave them both sweet waves, "heya soldiers. Going back so soon?"

"Steven! I knew it!" Sam cheered and nudged the blonde with a laugh.

"Oh, if it isn't the Stark brat." Clint chuckled as he walked over to the teen and nudged him gently.

"What?" Tony made a face as he got up and eyed the man carefully.

"Nothin'." Steve waved him off and hit his friend for saying that.

"What are you talking about?" Tony eyed the soldier carefully.

"He called you the young Stark brAT!" Clint grunted when the blonde elbowed him in the gut.

"Oh?" Tony cocked a brow and gave the blonde a look.

"Alright, well, goodbye." Sam hummed, grabbed the man's arm, and tugged him towards the door.

"No, no, no!" Tony rushed over and pulled him back.

"I want to know. I'm curious to know what else Stevie has said about me." He nudged.

"He said you were a spoiled brat with a nice ass and pretty eyes." Clint recalled, then grunted when the blonde whacked him upside the head.

"Oh?" Tony smirked and gave the blonde a cheeky smile.

"He also said if you were older, he would date you and could show you a good time."

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