Chapter 53; Loki'd!

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"Pepper, where have you been? We haven't seen you in like... forever."

"I am busy with school. You boys are busy getting in other people's pants." Pepper waved.

"I would argue, but I just got laid, so I don't even care." Tony smirked.

"Tony, are you still caught up in school?" Pepper gave him a look.

"Yes, I am." Tony rolled his eyes.

"You too, Bruce?"

"Pepper? Seriously? Who do you think makes sure Tony is still up to date on his work?" Bruce scoffed.

"Of course, I'm fine."

"I'm gonna ask you the same question and you better lose the damn attitude." Pepper waved.

"Bruce, are you still caught up in school?"

"Yes, Pepper." Bruce nodded with a scoff.

"Good boy."

"Rhodey, what are you doing?" Pepper sighed when she saw the teen kicking a tree.

"The damn tree was in my way and I stubbed my toe. It deserved it." Rhodey grumbled.

"Come on, Rhodes. We have class." Pepper scoffed and pulled him along.

"Where's Scott?"

"With his girlfriend." Bruce waved off as he was reading something in his textbook.

"It's 8 in the morning. What are they doing?" Pepper gaped.

"Yeah, definitely not sex. Scottie lays in bed until he absolutely has to get up." Tony shrugged.

"Who knows what they're doing."

"There he is." Bruce pointed ahead.

"How did you beat us?" Pepper gaped as they walked over to him.

"Hope made me get up early. We went out for breakfast, then got here early." Scott grumbled.

"Oh, perfect. My people."

"Loki?" They all turned around when they recognized the man's voice.

"In the flesh." Loki smirked, then walked over and tossed his arms over both geniuses shoulders.

"What classes do we have today?"

"We have different classes, Loki." Tony scoffed.

"I have Chemistry." Bruce shrugged.

"With what you do with my brother, you better have chemistry."

"Loki." Thor glared as he walked over and shoved his brother away from his boyfriend.

"Brother, must you get so jealous over nothing?" Loki sighed.

"Besides, I'm following you around. You know that."

"Why are you here, Loki?" Tony nudged.

"Any reason?"

"Aside from staring at you, darling? Not a single thing." Loki smirked, then laughed when he was shoved away by the other super soldier.

"Oh, pissing you guys off is so easy." He cheered.

"Come, darlings. We must leave them to cry."

Loki pulled them both away as their friends followed and laughed.

"Loki." Thor glared.

"Luckily, you are stuck with him for the day, not any of us." Bucky smirked.

"He will visit you. He always visits you guys." Thor waved.

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