Chapter 24; She knows

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"You will finish your homework, at least English before you go to Steve's place." Rhodey eyed him as he made himself a power drink of Redbull, Monster, a milkshake, and a smoothie.

"Rhodes!" Bruce gaped when he walked in and saw the drink's monstrosity.

"What?" Rhodey looked at him expressionlessly, as if he wasn't about to mix all of those drinks into one, almost killing himself.

"Put the lid on it." Bruce scoffed as he handed him the lid and then grabbed water from the fridge.

"Thanks." Rhodey hummed, then mixed them together and preened when it finished.

"Stevie's here!" Tony perked up, then sprinted to the door and opened it for him with a smile.

"Hi Stevie."

"Hi, love." Steve chuckled as he walked in and placed the can's of beer on the couch for the teens.


"Oh, yeah, my honey bear says I have to finish my English, then I can go." Tony hummed, then pulled him towards his room with a smile.

"Rogers stays out here, Tones." Rhodey gave him a look as he poured the drink into a cup.

"Fine." Tony sighed, then let his hand go and walked into his room.

Steve chuckled, then grabbed the beer and put it on the island in the kitchen.

"Here you are. Beer for being allowed to take Tony on a date this week."

"Alright... you're good." Rhodey hummed.

"Thor!" Bruce beamed as he ran to the door and opened it for him immediately.

"Oh, hey, Bruce." Thor smiled.

"Didn't expect you to answer the door so quickly. I just texted you." He scoffed as he walked in, then waved at the other blonde.

"Come on, Stevie. You're a professor. Help me out." Tony nudged him as he brought his homework out and tugged him towards the couch.

He sat the blonde down, then tossed the books on his lap and laid down.

"What's a preposition again, Stevie?"

"The, and, it, is, as, at, but, by, for, until, to, than, from, in. Words like that." Steve hummed.


"You needed a list of prepositions?"

"Oh, no, I already finished my English homework." Tony waved off.

"I just like it when you explain things." He hummed as he stared at the man dreamily as the blonde scoffed and nudged him away.

"Come on. Besides, I bought burgers, so if you don't want them to get cold, let's go." Steve nudged as he got up and pointed towards the door.

"Gotta go guys. Love you!" Tony shot up and grabbed his stuff, then waved to his friends as he left with the blonde.

"Just get on the damn bike, love." Steve scoffed as the teen admired it.

"I want a bike." Tony hummed as he nudged the man back and got in the front so he could hold the handlebars.

"I want to go."

Tony scoffed, then leaned back against him and hummed, "I have another surprise for you, Stevie."


Steve glanced at him, then drove out of the driveway and headed to his place.

"You still have the outfit on?" Steve mumbled in his neck as they waited at a red light.

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