Chapter 33; McBrothers!!

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"Can we do something?"

"What for?"

"As a date. Can we go on a date today?"

"Sure. What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know, but we haven't been on a date in a while, and I miss it." Tony nudged.

"We went to the haunted house as a date."

"Oh, sure. Where you were too busy hugging your best friend to even notice me." Tony scoffed.

Steve turned over in bed and kissed his nose softly, "you wanna go out to eat after school?"

"No. Let's have something homemade. I want to stay here and eat. I don't wanna go to another state just to go on a date with you, Stevie."

"I like that idea."

Tony kissed him, then laid atop the soldier and kissed him all over as he roamed his body gently.

"Hmm." Steve shivered and explored the brunette's body gently as he enjoyed the attention.

"Stevie, do that thing that I like."

Steve scoffed, then flexed as the teen shivered and attacked him with kisses.

"Hmm. Me likey." Tony hummed as he was licking the man's chest and marking his body.

Steve moaned softly from the touch, then reached over and threw his alarm clock away when it started going off.

"We can be late just for today."

Tony smirked, then kissed him and tugged on his hair gently, "I have a surprise for you, Stevie."



"It's for Thanksgiving."

"Since when-hmm... did we... give presents... for Thanks-hmm-giving?" Steve mumbled between each kiss.

"Oh, no. Not that kind of present." Tony waved off.

"It's as a thank you for afterward. If you listen to me and don't meet my parents or bring up the fact that we are dating, you get your present. If you do, well... I'm still putting it on but you can't touch."

"Hmm. What is it?" Steve nudged as he was giving the teen soothing body rubs.

"Obey this one order, soldier and trust me, it will be worth it." Tony hummed as he was playing with his lip.

"Just one little hint?"


"Is it... a picture of you naked?"

"No, Stevie." Tony scoffed.

"How about you in that gold bikini from Star Wars."

"You like Star Wars?" Tony looked at him curiously.

"I love Star Wars." Steve corrected.

"Along with Harry Potter."

"I am a proud Slytherin Jedi." He boasted and the teen laughed.

"Then I know exactly what to give you for Christmas." Tony smiled.

"A lightsaber?"

"No." Tony hit him.

"It's a surprise."

"We have to go to school, Stevie. Let's go."

"But can you at least make one of the surprises a photo of you in the gold bikini?" Steve reasoned.

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