Chapter 2; First day, complete.

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Happy 100 followers guys! Thank you so much!! Here is the first chapter to the book as promised!!

I really hope you guys love it as much as I do!!


"Tones, come on. Get up. We have to go to Trig." Scott nudged.

"Gotta love school." Tony sighed as he got up and shuffled to his dresser to get dressed.

"I still can't believe he made me take drawing. I mean, I can't believe this!"

"Tones, I heard this conversation for the last three days. Because that was when he made you sign up for it... three days ago." Scott sighed as he gave him a look.

"I know, but it's infuriating. I don't draw, it's pointless." Tony ranted.

"You do realize that engineers rely on blueprints, right?"

"I know that!" Tony glared as he was putting his shirt on.

"So, you realize that it's important for someone to be able to understand what you draw when you become an engineer, so they can get it right."

"Oh, shut up," Tony grumbled as he was putting his socks on.

"How come you don't have to take a drawing class?" He nudged as he grabbed his bag and water from the mini fridge he had to have in his room, even though they live in an actual house and have a perfectly good fridge in the kitchen.

"Because I'm gonna take it next semester." Scott hummed.


"Cause, I forgot to sign up this semester."

"Shoulda said that to Rhodey," Tony grumbled as he tossed him water, then they both headed to the door.

"I can hear you, ya know?" Rhodey gave him a look as he and the other teen waited outside the door.

"Good, I was hoping you would, so you would notice how stupid it is for an engineer to be taking a drawing class." Tony snapped.

"Will you shut up about that already?" Rhodey groaned.

"Guys, I am already tired of your bullshit and quite frankly, not in the mood." Bruce shrugged as he walked out from his room and gave them looks.

"Get in the damn car before we are late to our first day of school and our first class."

"Come on guys, before Brucie bursts a vein." Tony sighed as they headed to the car together while the teen gave him a look.

"Watch it, Stark." Bruce glared.

Rhodey got in the driver's seat, Bruce in the passenger, Scott in his usual seat behind the scientist, while Tony took the liberty of lying across the back seats and toss his feet over his engineer buddy's legs so he could try to sleep.


"Hi, Tony." A girl waved at him flirtatiously as they were heading to class.

"Hi," Tony smirked as he checked her out, then bumped into his friend when they stopped walking.

"Dude, you're gay." Scott scoffed as he gave him a look.

"I can still look."

"Then all that gay, and for what?"

"What?" Tony made a face as he gave him a look.

"Come on, guys. College." Rhodey nudged them.

They got into a huddle and looked at one another.

"We got this, right?"

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