Chapter 30; Halloween!

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"I only came by to get my stuff." Tony huffed as he walked into the blonde's place.

"Tony, look at me."

Steve nudged him gently, then looked at him and sighed, "Andrew... he and I... we dated for four years."

"I genuinely thought I was going to marry him, but by the fourth year... Hell, even by the third year, we both knew it was different."

"Work always got in the way and we weren't working anymore."

"I wanted to try with him. I was the one who was putting in the effort for us, but he stopped a while ago."

"We fought and we ended the relationship and I missed him."

"For five years I missed him. But my third year teaching, I met someone."

"I met this bratty, stuck-up teen, who was so used to getting his way that he thought cleaning a table was too much work for him."

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes at him, then crossed his arms with a huff as he didn't want to forgive him.

"I met this funny teen who has a fiery attitude and temper to go along with it, but I wouldn't want him any other way."

"What about Andrew?" Tony huffed as he gave him a look.

"Nothin' is goin' on between us." Steve assured.

"He came by asking for a second chance but I turned him down."

"Oh?" Tony cocked a brow.


"Why? Thought you were in love with him."

"No, I'm not, cause, ya see... I fell in love with that bratty, stuck-up, fiery tempered teen I told you about." Steve spoke softly and looked the brunette intently.

Tony gasped, then gaped as he turned to him immediately.

"I love you, Tony Stark."

Tony whimpered, then wiped his nose and shook his head furiously, "you didn't tell me about the both of you talking."

"Something could've happened, you might've cheated on me, and I wouldn't know because you didn't feel the need to tell me."

"Nothing happened, love." Steve spoke softly as he moved closer and cupped his face.

"But it could've, so stop it." Tony nudged.

"I love you, Tony Stark. I am staying and not letting you push me away. Nothing happened when he was here. We just talked."


"But nothin'." Steve spoke softly.

"I love you." He emphasized.

"Nothin' happened between us, hummingbird."

Tony sniffled, then looked at him and whimpered, "I love you, Steve Rogers."

Steve kissed him immediately as Tony gasped from the suddenness, then jumped up and wrapped himself around the man instantly.

"Bucky told me you were cryin' earlier. Why?"

"Well, we got into that fight and I didn't mean it when I said that this was a fling but you sounded like you did and I didn't want it to be."

"It's not a fling." Steve stopped him and helped soothe the brunette.

"I love you."

Tony giggled softly, then kissed him and nudged him gently, "say it again."

"I love you."

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