Chapter 38; a not so happy birthday... or is it?

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"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Thor cooed.

"Mhmm, wake me up tomorrow." Bruce mumbled, then nestled further into the pillow and tugged the covers over him.

"I made you breakfast. Your favorite."

Bruce turned over, then frowned when he looked around and didn't see anything.

"Where? In your mind?"

Thor scoffed, then kissed him and pulled him close.

"The only upside to this is the fact that I don't have school today."

"Really? That's the only upside?" Thor scoffed and gave him a look.

"Well that's obviously when I don't count you." Bruce nudged.


"It is!" Bruce assured then laughed when the man tackled him.

"I don't like celebrating my birthday, thunder. It's honestly just another day to me." He shrugged.

"I love celebrating." Thor smiled.

"My parents always threw my siblings and I a party when we were younger for our birthdays, so I love celebrating birthdays. Or just anything really."

"I also don't care for my birthday but I love celebrating, so I throw parties for birthday's." He hummed.

He moved around to lie on the teen and peppered him with kisses all over.

"My brother is coming some time tomorrow and I was hoping we could go out to dinner."

Bruce hummed in thought as he was brushing through the soldier's hair.

"I'm worried."

"For what?"

"I want him to like me." Bruce whined.

"I'm just worried he won't."

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. He's gonna love you." Thor nodded and moved up to kiss him on the lips.

"I don't know, I mean... I'm never good at meeting siblings." Bruce sighed.

"I am amazing at meeting parents. Parents love me." He nodded.

"But I don't tend to get along with siblings or people my age really."

"Then how are the other's your friends?" Thor nudged.

"I met them in third grade. I was weird, but not like I am now. Nowadays, people don't tend to like me."

"Why not? You are pleasant to be around." Thor smiled.

"I annoy people." Bruce shrugged.

"You don't annoy me."

"We just started dating. I'm not gonna drive you off by being myself. I'm not an idiot." Bruce scoffed as the man laughed.

"If anything, I think Steve has his work cut out for him with Tony."

"Alright, look, you meet my brother and I will do whatever you want in here for a week." Thor gestured to his room and the brunette laughed.

"I love you, thunder, but try again." Bruce patted his arm, then sat up and got out of bed to get a drink.

"Will you just meet him? You don't even have to have a long conversation. Not even a conversation. Just introduce yourself, then I can get him out and I can thank you." Thor smiled as he followed him to the kitchen.

"Thor, it's my birthday. I don't want to spend the day worried about making a good first impression with your brother."

"I know, but he's coming over tomorrow. It's not even on your birthday."

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