Chapter 9; Hangovers 2.0

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"Tony, stop drinking." Scott sighed as the teen was dancing on a table and drinking.

"He was so sweet to me." Tony whined.

"We were on his motorcycle, and he treated me like I was his boyfriend. He asked if I had ever been on a motorcycle, when I told I hadn't and that I was scared, he moved me to the front, so he had better coverage of me, and he drove with his hands on mine." He smiled as he explained it to his friends.

"He was so honest with me and kind and caring."

"Oh, and the fact that he's a soldier. Captain at that too." He gaped.

"Oh, God, that makes him like 10x more attractive." He whimpered.

"He's hot... like, really hot... Like, insanely hot that I want to cry from how hot he is." He sighed as he leaned against the chair and rested his head on it as he got more comfortable on the floor.

"Captain Steve Rogers."

"Oh, God, that made him even hotter!" He whined, then took another drink.

"He's a soldier, in the army too! That's like... that's like the hottest military job!" He groaned.

"And he was so sweet to me which means he can be sensitive when he wants to and that he doesn't care."

"But he can fight. Oh, God, when he was in that fight, I wanted to mount him."

"Tony!" They all glared and covered their ears after they heard him.

"But like, when he was sweet to me, I just wanted to kiss him. I wanted to go slow. Have slow and sweet sex."

"But the fight... woah! I wanted him to do some bad... like... borderline horrific things to me that I will gladly let happen." He nodded.

"I'm taking this away from you." Rhodey rushed to grab the bottle from him before he started going into detail the sex he wanted to have with the art professor.

"And he can draw! He's so good at drawing." Tony sighed.

"Oh, God! I'm falling for my art professor!" He whined.

"Tony, just don't think about him. Do something or think of something that has nothing to do with him." Bruce reasoned as he tried to get him off the topic of the blonde.

"Fine... then I need some sex." Tony hummed as he got up, walked out of the place, and scouted the perimeter.

"Tony!" They all gaped, then followed after him immediately.

Tony walked around, then stopped moving when he saw the blonde and his friends eating ice cream and laughing to something.

"Hmm... Captain." He licked his lips, then stumbled over to him with a smile.

"Tony!" His friends shouted when they saw him walking over to the group.

"No! Wait!" Scott waved.

"He's going to do something stupid." Rhodey groaned as they were trying to go, but the main problem was traffic.

"This is Tony, he is going to do something drastically stupid." Bruce sighed, then started walking while the other two gaped.

"Bruce! Traffic!"

"Come on, you babies! Hurry up!"

"Tony?" Steve made a face when he turned around to see the teen.

"What the hell are you doin' here?"

"Oh, you would like to know, wouldn't you? With your Captain-like attitude and your blue eyes and your messy blonde hair and your freakishly good drawing skills." Tony scoffed as he stumbled slightly after pointing at the man.

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