Chapter 15; The Date

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"Hi." Tony waved.

"Did you run here?" Steve scoffed as the teen looked out of breath and tired and sweaty.

"No." Tony shook his head as he flopped on the couch.

"I ran from the car to the door."

"Tony, it's not even 5 feet away." Steve scoffed as he gave him a look for being out of breath.

"I know... I didn't want to seem too eager, so I waited a while, but then I realized that it was like 15 minutes passed the time, so I ran to the door while my friend drove away." Tony panted as he waved it off.

"I didn't run in gym. Nor did I really participate. They passed me because they know my dad."

Steve scoffed as he walked over to give him some water as Tony drank it quickly.

"What's the date?" He smiled as he looked at the blonde curiously.

"I don't like movies being a first date, normally I draw something for my dates but you take my class, so we're not doing that," Steve waved as the brunette chuckled softly, "so, we are going to make our dinner."

"Well, what's for dinner?"

"I have lots of stuff." Steve hummed as he got up to show the teen what he had, "I have pasta, noodles, soup, meat, vegetables, fruits, lettuce, and water."

"Water doesn't count." Tony chuckled.

"I know, but we can get full on it."

Tony laughed as he looked through his fridge, then took out some ingredients and tossed them on the counter.

"Let's make a little of everything."

Steve scoffed as he walked over, then shrugged and took out pots, pans, and cutting boards for everything.

"Guess we're makin' everythin'."



"I need to tell them."

Steve looked at the teen and walked over to put the pasta in the boiling water and kissed his neck softly, "I know."

"I need ta tell my friends too."

"They won't care." Tony waved off.

"I'm just worried about my friends though."


"Well, like I said... Rhodey's protective over all of us." Tony reasoned.

"If he finds out any of us are dating, he will threaten them."

"Scott had a girlfriend, the key word is had, because Rhodey scared her too much; plus, she was annoyed with how close we all were, but it was mainly the fact that she was scared of him."

"Brucie has had a boyfriend and he ran away because he was terrified of Rhodey." Tony scoffed.

"I'm scared for you."

"I can take care of myself." Steve chuckled.

"No, not worried; scared." Tony corrected.

"Like, I'm seriously scared with how Rhodey is going to handle this once I tell him."

"We should probably keep it hidden until you tell him though, right?"

"The only person who knows is Scottie." Tony hummed.

"But, I should be the one to tell Rhodey."

"And I should be the one to tell Nat." Steve spoke up.

"Is she like Rhodey?"

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