Chapter 37; Black Friday Sales

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"Tony, how do you have any stamina? We were doin' it like all night."

"Stevie, I love you, but trust me, it was not all night." Tony patted his arm gently, then grabbed a blanket and sat down in his seat.

"Ha!" Bucky pointed and laughed at the man.

"Wait. Why am I here? I ain't datin' anybody here." He pondered.

"But you are my best friend. Besides, Black Friday. Buck, this is golden for you." Steve nudged.

He sat down, then furrowed his brows when he was pulled over and scoffed as he sat down in the chair just for his boyfriend to sit on his lap.

"Hey, Nat, I think William likes you."

"Who the hell is William?" Nat made a face as she was playing cards with some of the others.

"The Dean." Steve scoffed.

"Oh. Yeah. He asked me out on a date." She shrugged.

"Your move, Lang."

"I know, I know. Gimme a minute." Scott waved.

"Do you guys even like Black Friday?" Thor looked at them curiously as he was resting his head in his boyfriends stomach.

"I do!" Scott raised his hand.

"Same." Tony nodded.

"I hate it. Waiting in line. People. Ugh." Rhodey made a face.

"Bruce likes it but he doesn't like arguments or any kind of conflict."

"I can fight, but I don't like to. They start something, then I'll do something about it but I don't like being in the middle of it." Bruce waved off.

"Why are we waiting in front of this store at 1 in the morning?" Steve mumbled through a yawn.

"This one is popular because it has the best deals." Tony started.

He took out a couple of papers, then spread them out and showed it to the others.

"Okay, people. The one's with red X's are priority. The one's with green one's are next on the list. The one's in yellow are not that major but some of them have stars on them so we need to go there."

"You take this way too seriously." Nat eyed him, then grunted when the man kicked her in the leg.

"Ow." She glared.

"Nat." Steve gave her a look.

"I know." Tony smiled as he kept checking over everything in his plans.

"Scottie, I think we should split up. You take these stores. I take these stores. The other's can also go separate and we can meet in the middle."

"Okay. Marker."

Scott held out a hand, then grabbed the black-light marker and wrote down every store on his side.

"Nat, you take these stores." Tony showed her.

Nat turned to give her friend a look and Steve kicked her.

"Yes. Go."

"Steven, I have no reason to do this." Nat groaned.

"I'm calling in one of my 10 favors."



"You, my friend, are whipped." Nat scoffed as she was writing down the stores in her area.

Tony preened, then kissed him softly, and turned to the last one, "Bucky."

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