Chapter 27; Is he gay? Is he really?

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"You can have lunch with us." Bruce smiled at the strawberry blonde.

"Oh, Bruce, I missed you." Pepper smiled, then walked with them to their usual seats.

"Tones, if you keep looking, then it will look suspicious."

"Oh, hush, Rhodes. I think he has separation anxiety." Pepper waved off.

"I do not." Tony glared at his friends.

"Oh, please. You most definitely do. You do everything with him now. You can't go one minute without Steve and now that things are starting to get normal, you miss him." She calculated.

"That makes sense. I mean, Tony has called him every night that he isn't with him." Scott chimed in.

"How do you know?" Tony gaped.

"You giggle at night. And you giggle whenever Steve says something dirty or funny, which really isn't that funny." Scott shrugged.

"I know because you giggle around him and you giggle at night."

"Oh, hush." Tony waved off.

"And now they're all looking at you, Tones."

Tony shrieked and ducked under the table immediately; Pepper snorted and covered her face to hide her laughter while the other three almost fell out of their chairs from laughing too hard.

"Ah-ha, ha!" Rhodey pointed and laughed at him.

"I hate you, James Rhodes." Tony scowled, then jumped when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Uh, hi."

"You're Tony Stark, right?" The girl looked at him curiously.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can I have your phone number?"


Scott laughed, Rhodey facepalmed, while Bruce and Pepper eyed the girl suspiciously.

"Tones, she likes you." Bruce nudged.

"Oh." Realization struck the brunette.

"Yeah, no. I'm good." Tony shook his head softly.

"Why not?" She frowned.

"Cause I'm-"

"Taken, sweetie." Pepper smiled, then walked over and kissed him.

Tony gasped, then shoved her off once the girl left.

"Pepper!" He glared.

"Technically that wasn't a lie." Pepper defended.

"Just about who you're dating was the lie." She pondered.

"Even if I wasn't dating him, I don't wanna kiss you." Tony glared.

"Tony Stark, you take that back." Pepper huffed.


"Tony." Bruce nudged.

"Come on. We are done with school."

Pepper threw out her garbage, then pulled the young billionaire away by his ear.

"Ow! Pepper!" Tony whined as he followed her quickly.

"Let go! It hurts!" He nudged.

"Pepper! Let go!" He whimpered as she was dragging him to their car.

"Fine, you big baby." Pepper waved off and let go as she put her bag in the backseat.

"Tony Stark isn't gay. He's free!"

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