Chapter 31; How gay are you?

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"I like waking up to you, thunder." Bruce smiled at his boyfriend.

"Kiss me."

Bruce leaned closer and kissed him, then moved away with a smile, "we have to go to school, thunder."

"No, can't we stay here and do this?"

Thor turned them on their sides and kissed him while his one hand was roaming over the teen's body gently.

"And this."

He moved to his neck to nip at the skin as the brunette shivered from the sensitive touch.

"No, stop it. We almost spent all night having sex. We absolutely cannot have any more sex." Bruce chuckled as he was gripping his hair and wrapping his legs around the man's waist.

"You need to become a doctor, sweetheart." Thor nudged.

"What brought this on?" Bruce scoffed and gave him a look.

"I want you to become a doctor."


"Cause doctors are hot, and you are beautiful."

"Imagine how perfect the sex would be." Thor smirked.

"Oh, ha." Bruce snorted.

"Besides, you're perfect at this stuff, so I think that when we get older and are still together, I can some hot sex with my doctor boyfriend."

Bruce laughed, then kissed him and enjoyed his company, "how is a doctor hot? Wait, wasn't Steve's ex a doctor?"

"Oh, yeah." Thor nodded softly.

"Did you ever... did you ever, well... like him?"

"No. He's an asshole."

"No, like... romantically." Bruce sighed.

"What?" Thor scoffed.

"When I first met him, I said he had nice eyes, but once he opened his mouth, I hated him. The dude's an idiot."

"Did you ever think about him? In like... a dirty way?"

"No." Thor shook his head furiously.

"But you liked him?"

"I got along with him to a very limited extent." Thor reasoned.

"I have always been interested in theater. We talked about a lot of things together and he showed interest." He shrugged.

"I never looked at him in a romantic sense because any other time we weren't talking about theater, he was an asshat."

"But I liked talking to him about my passion. It was nice to have someone interested in it. I know that nobody is interested in theater, only some people are."

"You don't think I'm interested in your career?" Bruce looked at him curiously.

"No, I just know that you probably don't like theater. I know my friends don't." Thor shrugged.

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