Chapter 39; packing and packing and more packing

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"I don't date, dude." Bucky sighed as he buckled his pants and grabbed his shirt.

"I wasn't asking to date. I was asking if this meant we are just having sex or one time."

"Oh... hmm." Bucky pondered the idea.

"I work as a waiter. Trust me, I could go for just sex."

"I am a professor at a college." Bucky scoffed.

"So, you could really go for just random sex to relieve some stress, I bet." Alex smirked and the soldier laughed.


"But I don't make promises." Bucky reasoned.

"I am most definitely gonna keep havin' sex with other people. This," he gestured between them, "is just stress relief sex." He waved and opened the door to the stall.

"Good. I'm a waiter. I need some stress relief sex. Trust me. I need this more than you." Alex clarified and put his shirt back on.

Bucky laughed as he grabbed his shoes and slipped them on, "so I am good for stress relief?"

"Definitely." Alex nodded and the soldier laughed again.

"Plus, you are very nice to look at." He hummed and leaned close to his lips.

Bucky glanced down and leaned closer, then groaned softly when man moved away, "I know I'm attractive, but you... are surprisingly... growin' on me."

Alex laughed and tossed the tie over his shoulder as he gave him a smirk, "I have skill. You have skill. We're just attracted to skill."

"You were in the army?"

"How'd you know? You stalkin' me?" Bucky smirked.

"You are wearing your dog-tags, soldier." Alex smirked back and played with them.

"Why else do you think I called you Sarge?"

Bucky tugged him back inside and locked the stall door, then picked him up as he kissed him feverishly.

"You stressed again? That quickly?" Alex moaned as he was taking off the soldier's shirt and tightened his legs around his waist.

"Shut up and take off your pants." Bucky groaned as he tore off the man's shirt.

"Hmm... soldier." Alex smirked, then got down from his arms, took off his pants, and jumped back up to continue kissing him.


"We didn't have to tip." Steve waved off.

"What? Why? You always tip at restaurants. It's social construct." Rhodey scoffed.

"Cause... Bucky tipped him for us." Steve pointed to his best friend walking out of the bathroom as their waiter followed after.

"Oh, shut up." Bucky glared and whacked him over the head.

"You two would have very attractive babies." Tony pondered and everyone looked at him.

"What? It's true." He shrugged.

"Alright, look, Thor, when are you coming down for Christmas? Mother and Hela are worried about you. As you can tell, they sent me out to get the gossip." Loki sighed.

"Father still wants to offer you a job, by the way, so, for Christmas, be warned on the sales pitch." He nudged.


"Are your parents coming down, Tones? For Christmas?" Scott turned to the young billionaire.

"Uh... well... about that." Tony shifted.

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