Chapter 44; Home Sweet Home

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"I need a nap." Bucky groaned and flopped in the back seat of the car.

"Bucky, I have a somewhat personal question." Tony started.


"How long would it take for you to be dating someone for them to see your parents?"

"A year."

"What? A year?" Tony gaped.

"Oh, Bucky, you dried up old prune." He hit him in the back.

"Not a year. I met Stevie's mom and your parents. Stevie and I have only been dating for 4, going on 5, months." He preened.

"He met mine."

"You didn't even want him to meet your parents at Thanksgiving." Bucky scoffed.

"Oh, that's just because of Thanksgiving. That's always a sensitive holiday with my family." Tony pondered.

"As you noticed when you were there."

"Why don't you want to be in business?" Bucky looked at him curiously.

"Oh, ha, no." Tony scoffed.

"Do not change the subject, mister."

"I am curious. You are curious. We'll trade." Bucky shrugged.

"Why don't you go on a date with Alex some time closer than next Friday? Make it next... Monday." Tony nudged.

"I don't... I need to mentally prepare. I haven't actually been on a date in a while." Bucky reasoned.

"It take some time. The closest I can do is Wednesday."

"Good! Change it." Tony urged.

"Fine." Bucky sighed, then texted the man.

"Okay, my turn."

"What is so bad about you bein' in business? Your dad is handin' it to you on a silver platter. Take it. It's practically free money for you in beginnin'." Bucky scoffed.

"Have you two ever been compared when you were younger? Growing up? Did people ever say something about the other one to you two?" Tony looked at them curiously.

"All the time." Bucky groaned.

"Yes... sadly." Steve grumbled.

"That's... my whole life." Tony scoffed and leaned back in his seat.

"Go into business. Your dad is Howard Stark."

"You're Howard Stark's son? Oh, you must be so lucky. You must be so happy to be taking over for him when you get older."

"You like engineering? Mechanics? Good. You're a natural. You're Howard Stark's son. You have to be."

"I don't get good grades cause I want to." Tony scoffed.

"I get them because... that's all people expect out of me." He shrugged.

"I'm an only kid. The damn idiots stopped doing it after me." He muttered and the two laughed.

"It's annoying." He sighed.

"All your life, people probably compared you to Bucky. And all your life, people compared you to Steve." Tony gestured between the two.

"Steve is so nice. Steve is so kind. Steve is so sweet. So chivalrous." He mocked.

"Bucky is so charming. Bucky is so athletic. Bucky is so... I don't know, what did they say about him?" He nudged his boyfriend.

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