Chapter 5: Genevieve

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Getting picked up by your mom after school is not the coolest thing in the world.

I'm not gonna be mean and say I hate the fact that she usually brings me home, in fact, I really appreciate it that my parents take the time out of their schedules to pick me up from school, so I don't have to walk, but they make me feel guilty about it sometimes and it sucks.

Today, Luckily, Victoria is bringing me home. Because today's Friday, the whole gang's coming to my house to get ready for the game.

V and S brought their bags to school and left them in their cars so they could drive straight to my house. I appreciate that because now I get a ride from Vic and it's so much more fun to ride home with your friend than your mom who's mad you can't drive yourself, or to walk home all by myself.

I honestly think riding in the car with your friend or friends is one of the best experiences ever.

Music will be playing full blast, and you'll be talking about boys and drama. You know nothing will leave the safety of this car because nobody can hear us, and neither of us would say anything, so we let it fly.

"I had an actual conversation with Otis today." I blurt out without thinking, looking over at Vic to see her eyes widen as she whoops and shoves me a little bit in the arm.

"I am so fucking proud of you kid! Way to go." She smiles.

It makes me feel good, and I smile back; "It was a conversation about math, but he smiled at me..." I say feigning being starstruck.

"Well was it this kind of smile?" she looks over at me and shows me a smirk that slightly resembles a creepy Damon Salvatore smirk. "Or this?" she glances at the road before giving me a full teeth blindingly white smile that took up her whole face.

"Somewhere in the middle of Damon, and The Cheshire Cat I think..." I say laughing.

"Huh," She simply says.


"Yeah, huh." she says huh in a duh kinda way and looks over at me quickly with a smile slowly spreading across her face, "Who knew Genevieve Beck was pulling Otis Grey?" she yelled excitedly.


"He's interested!" she sing songs while making kissy faces.

"Ugh whatever," I groan as I roll my eyes and laugh trying to keep my face from getting tomatoed. "Otis and Genevieve sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a baby carriage-"

A Doja Cat song invades the speakers and I take that as my chance to shut Vic up. I turn the volume up, making it impossible to hear her. She looks at me in annoyance before we start yelling the lyrics out the window and I swear I see Scarlett laughing in the car behind us.

I secretly hope Vic's right, but the smarter side of my brain tells me she's talking out of her ass.

I can't really picture Otis actually liking me, or making a move on me, or anything of that nature. It just doesn't sound like a very likely scenario.

Usually when I think something is unlikely to be happening I'm right, for example: when I was in 7th grade it was the last day of winter break and I just truly believed we would have two more days off. I don't know why, but I was convinced it wasn't over. I woke up at 2 am to find winter advisories saying we would be snowed in indefinitely.

So, I'm basically psychic.

"Did you know I'm psychic?" I ask V when the song was over and the car returned to its normal volume.

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