Chapter 21: Genevieve

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It's my birthday!

I am finally 16 and there is nothing on this stupid earth that can make my smile disappear.

Well, actually, not true.

Very, very not true.

Because there's Otis.

The thought of spending my birthday night with a bunch of people I don't know.

My mother taking control of what's supposed to be my day.

And... Otis.

So, yeah, there actually are things that can dim my smile today, but I'll try my best not to let them.

I have my outfit already picked out and I put it on as fast as I can so I can get a start on my makeup. I woke up a tad bit later than usual and I am now regretting that drowsy decision. I most certainly am not a morning person, but I hate being rushed in the mornings and that's why I force myself to get up so early because I get ample time to get ready and have some chill time before Otis picks me up.

Apparently not today, though.

I didn't even stay up that late last night, I fell asleep at 11:30, but the bags under my eyes take a little extra concealer to cover up today.

I finish my makeup and race down the stairs, backpack, phone, water bottle, and jacket in hand.

Those blueberry bagels with strawberry cream cheese are calling my name.

At the thought of my daily breakfast, I hear my stomach grumble and pop the bagel in the toaster as fast as I can.

My parents left early today for work, they did it especially for me so they could come home early for the party. Yay.

I wish my birthday party wasn't some excuse for them to hang out with their friends.

I zone out as I wait for my bagel to pop up, jumping out of my socks as I hear the pop of the toaster presenting my glorious breakfast.

Honk, honkkkk...

My eyes widen as I look at the time on the stove to see Otis is already here and I'm here mid-chew with my bagel stuffed in my cheeks like a chipmunk storing acorns for the winter.

I sprint over to my stuff picking it up as best I can and slipping my shoes on as I race out the door, dropping my backpack on the concrete as I try to open the car door. After many, many try's it finally springs open and I throw everything inside the car before I hope in.

"Hey, Otis! Sorry I was so late..." no response.

"rough morning. Woke up late. You would not believe the amount of strength it takes to haul all this stuff and my bagel out the door. I think I even did it in record time..."

I watch him back out of my driveway expectantly, but a neutral expression remains on his bored face. "Sign me up for the Olympics I guess..."BI say with all the courage and excitement I can muster up for the moment while staring at the stone-cold man beside me.

My smile falls ever so slowly when I look at Otis to see him staring at the road ahead refusing to even crack a smile for the sake of my dignity. He didn't. And I feel like an idiot, an utter idiot who can't take a hint. I probably annoy him.

He thinks you're stupid.

He thinks you're ugly.

He hates that he met you.

He feels obligated to hang out with you.

I know it's not good to think these thoughts, but they're swirling in my brain without my consent. Overtaking the little sanity I have right now.

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