Chapter 50: Reunion*

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chapter 50: reunion •••

You keep your eyes on Din the entire way back to Boba's palace. Zora's asleep in the swaddle secured against your chest and Grogu's asleep in his father's arms. Din has kept his son tucked in his cowl ever since he managed to stand on his feet after his run-in with the rancor. None of your worry for your husband has diminished, and it won't until Din is resting—but at least your family is finally back together.

"You're walking well for someone who just got thrown through a building." Your words are laced with amusement, despite your genuine concern.

Din's helmet swings in your direction. "That's because I'm holding our son." Your chest floods with warmth at his last two words. "I have to be careful."

"Don't worry." You bring yourself close enough to him for your head to rest against his arm. "As soon as we're in the palace and the kids are settled, you'll get your rest."

"Trust me." Din keeps Grogu steady in one arm and holds your hand with the other. "I'm looking forward to it."

You smile at him. "Good." You give his hand a squeeze. "You've earned it."

Din's helmet tilts at you. "We both have." He draws you even closer. "Some alone time will do us well."

Your lips curl up even more at that. Rest for the two of you has always meant something quite different than it has for others. After the past few months of both internal as well as external struggles, Din's words are proven right. You've both earned it.

But after all his months of caring for you, you're the one who intends on providing it for Din.

Your family strides into Boba's palace, where Boba and Fennec have already returned after the tumultuous events of the day. They had invited your family to stay until you were ready to venture off into the galaxy on your own again. With Din a sure step away from collapsing, you know you'll take advantage of your offer. He can barely stand, much less figure out what's next in your family's journey.

Fennec is alone in the throne room when you get there. She wipes a cloth over her rifle and lifts her gaze to look at you. Fennec sets the weapon aside and stands to greet you. "Welcome back." Fennec gestures to Grogu in Din's arms. "Where did he come from?"

Din sighs. "Long story." His tone is mixed with amusement and exhaustion. You struggle not to glance at him with worry.

"After I get Zora fed," you begin, looking at your daughter who's started to stir from her nap, "I need to take care of this one." You gesture with your head to Din. "Asking for favors is the last thing I want to do, but—."

"We've got it covered." Fennec smiles at you and nods. "You helped us save the city. There's not a thing in the galaxy Boba Fett and I won't do for you now." She looks up. "He's helping someone with the bacta tank right now, but he's been talking about wanting to get to know the kids better for quite some time."

You and Din exchange a warm glance. "That means a lot, Fennec." You look at her and return her nod. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Fennec points to the droid who'd announced Cad Bane's arrival at the Sanctuary. "8D8 will lead you to your room and bring you something to eat along with some medical supplies. When you're ready, we can watch the kids as long as you need us to."

You thank her again and keep your hand in Din's as you lead your family over to 8D8. The droid leads you through the palace and into a guest room that is just as extravagant as you'd expect it to be. You're brought back to the days of royalty where you frequented rooms such as this, with luxurious fixtures like a private refresher with a door to close it off and the finest of silks covering the bed. You thank 8D8, and as soon as he leaves the room to get your food and medical supplies, Zora begins to cry in hunger. "I know, my angel," you coo to her as you lift her from the swaddle. "You're long overdue for a meal."

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