Chapter 34

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A/N: It's back, hope you weren't worried since I missed last week to focus on the Valentine's fic.

Chapter dedicated to @skzlexi who upvoted


Wooing was back on.

Seungmin managed to clean him with warm water rather than cold; the benefit of having weather control powers. The next morning, he got him breakfast in bed too - complete with a tray and flower petals.

"I didn't want to cut flowers. I'm not sure how you feel about that but the petals were already on the floor"

Hyunjin was touched. He liked flowers. Sometimes he asked to cut them especially when they would be withering soon but of course he much preferred them living and he'd rather let them seed if that was how they propagated.

"I hope you didn't bring ants to bed" he teased. For all his fussiness, he didn't mind ants.

"The weather suddenly got too cold so they left" Seungmin shrugged as he nibbled on some bread himself. At times he was reminded just how much power was at Seungmin's fingertips. That was so hot!

"Playing the hot and cold game?"

"I'm not hot and cold when it comes to you" Seungmin admitted.

Hyunjin raised one eyebrow.

"I'm not hot and cold when it comes to you now. Trust me, I'm hot"

"Yes, you are"

"I have a feeling we're not speaking about the same thing"

Hyunjin smiled around the fruit he was eating and then when he had swallowed, he leaned in and pecked the other's tempting lips.

Unfortunately, Seungmin had an early harvest to get to so they barely gotten any sleep before they had to wake up again.

"You can get some more shut-eye" Seungmin prompted, feeling guilty that the other was getting up with him. Maybe he should not have woken him for breakfast.

"It's okay" the other croaked, still very sleepy and yawning. Seungmin had to help him navigate between the bedroom to the main room without knocking anything. "I want to come with you. Extra hands for harvest are always a good idea right?"

Hyunjin wanted to see how most people lived. Sure, he didn't have to but he wanted to. He didn't have any delusions about their lives being better simply because they were different. At least not in general. They suffered and went hungry and struggled paying taxes but they were also free in their connections most of the time and they could laugh freely and it was not frowned upon for them to connect with nature.

Hyunjin wanted that. He wanted that natural connection, he wanted to laugh and he wanted to love. So he'll go with Seungmin to get a morsel of it.

In the main room, the other two were already up and having some oats and fruit as their own breakfast.

Chan blushed when he spotted them and realising why, Hyunjin blushed too. There they were two tomatoes staring at each other and stewing in awkwardness until Minho made it better by first making it worse.

"You're kind of loud, you know. We finished our business in privacy and left you the bedroom. The least you could do was to leave us our sleep"

"I'm sorry hyung" Hyunjin hung his head in shame.

"Just put something in your mouth next time" Minho dismissed as he continued eating.

Seungmin perked up at that but Hyunjin felt him bounce next to him and hissed for the other to 'leave it' accompanying the warning with a light tap on his arm. He was embarrassed enough as it is. Minho had seen him in many vulnerable situations and although he'll tease him, it was his way of showing affection. Chan however, he really wanted the other to respect him and leave him with a good impression. This was the man who was heading the resistance with kindness. He was helping people and trying to avoid a bloodbath – very much Hyunjin's own agenda. So to have had him listen in as he had made those embarrassing noises was mortifying.

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