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***Warning: mention of Bloodshed and war***

"Forward Fifty-Fourth! Forward!"

  In the distance, smoke covered ash fell to the ground like rain, men armed with weapons charged, faces void of emotion but if Elizabeth were to guess, they were probably terrified on the inside. The bombs explosion was so loud that all she could hear was ringing in her ears. She wanted to run and hide, but she couldn't. Whenever visions like these happened, she wanted to just stab herself a million times for it to stop. Who said knowing the future was a gift? More like a curse. 

  Shouts. The hot summer air stung against her skin. The smell of Blood. They were at WAR. 

  Elizabeth hated war. She hated it so much. Why couldn't they just settle with an agreement where both sides are happy about?  One by one, men around her were dropping like flies. And wait- why does that person look so familiar to her?  Squinting her eyes, she tried to see the- was it a General? Zooming in, her eyes widened with horror. She wanted to scream. Wanted to warn him. TURN BACK! But all she could do was watch as a bullet shot into his chest. 

 The soldier staggered back in pain, but just as he was about to regain his footing, two more bullets shot straight into his chest. That was all it took for his body to go rigged, his eyes rolling back and falling down the hill.  In the distances, she heard the panicked voices of the soldiers, trying desperately and fighting for their lives.



    With a start, Elizabeth awoke from her slumber panting for air, sweating. She had just witnessed her best friend die right before her eyes. The worst part is that she couldn't do anything about it. Panting, she ran a hand through her brunette hair, trying to calm herself down. Stumbling out of bed, she blindly searched for her journal that she always used to write down her visions. This time was no different. 

   Gnawing on her lips, her quill scribbled furiously against the parchment, wincing every now and then because of the loud noise. Once finishing the last line of her rant, the brunette sighed heavily and closed her journal and putting it safely back in her hiding spot. She was having a debate on whether or not to go back to sleep when her door burst open with a voice shouting "General Taylor!"

  Holding back a groan, she turned around only to see one of her officers panting for breath, hands on his knees as he tried to regain posture.  Well, there it goes for her so-called rest.

 "Yes? What is the problem this time?" Keeping her voice steady but the visitor winced, knowing that he had intruded at the wrong time.

 "S-sorry M'lady, but there's an argument going on about Colonel Shaw's new rank." Sergeant Harrison Wildfield exclaimed, making Elizabeth close her eyes for a brief second before opening them again. Sometimes the 23 year old wondered if she was babysitting a bunch of toddlers. 

  Without another word, she brushed passed Wildfield and out the door. Blinking her eyes rapidly; trying to adjust to the sudden change in light, her brown eyes wondered around the fancy ball room trying to locate the point of her new problem. Ahah, gocha. 

  Quickly, she walked down the steps in a hurry, nodding every now and then to the crowd who was looking at her in awe. Spotting the commotion, she walked towards them in a hurry.

 "Colored soldiers, you can't be serious Robert. Never happened before, never happening now." A random voice she did not recognize.

"I'm sure General Taylor's decision for a colored regiment is appropriate at this time." Robert. 

 "BLLAHAH! You and you're General Taylor bullshit. I'm surprised people listen to a woman. What were they thinking? Putting a female in charge?!" 

  "Do not question General Taylor's position." Robert's voice sounded furious. Elizabeth took this time to step in on the conversation. 

 "What is going on here?" Her stone cold voice rang throughout the room, making all of the chatter die down quickly. Heads turned their way. Great. The two men snapped their head up to face the beauty, and Roberts eyes lit up when they landed on her. However, the other man which Elizabeth didn't bother to learn his name, paled drastically upon seeing her.

 "Well?" She asked impatiently. Making the blonde man splutter. Sighing in annoyance, she took one step closer to him, making him stumble a little backwards in fear.

  "Had fun bad mouthing me? Why don't you say it to my face now? Hmm?" She taunted, her voice still the same monotone cold level as she stared him down. Usually she wasn't like this; but she just woke up from a vision and that got her into a bad mood.

    "I-I" He began, but she held a hand up in the air to stop him. He shut up instantly, making her smirk slightly. Good. 

 "I don't care what you think of me, but right now, desperate times calls for desperate measures. We are running out of men, all dropping one by one like flies. Unless you want to take you're sorry ass into battle, you'll shut up and not question my orders. Do you understand me?" She lectured, making the man nod rapidly. 

  "Also, colored men are just as good as any other." She was about to turn around to leave when the man said something that stopped her in her tracks.

  "What makes you think that your beloved Robert here would take charge hm? Putting him in charge of the 54th Massachusetts is like signing him a death warrant." Those words sent shock waves through her body as she recalled the vision she had previously. Shaking her head slightly, and closing her eyes, she desperately tried to get rid of the images of dead bodies laying around the battle field, and most importantly, Robert's life-less blue eyes staring into nothingness. She slowly balled her hands into a fist, trying so desperately not to break down in-front of thousands of witnesses. 

  Turning around abruptly, her brown eyes stayed fixed on the man who dared speak out to her like that. To her right, she could feel Roberts blue eyes burning holes into her side, but she refused to meet his eyes, knowing that if she did, she'll probably break down right in-front of everyone. No. Not here. Not now. She must not.

  "We are fighting a war. How do you expect us to win if we are fighting amongst ourselves?" She questioned, making everyone look down in shame. "Don't question my authority." With that, she spun around and stalked back into her chambers, the crowd of people parting for her like the dead sea along the way. When she slammed the doors closed, her head spun with worry and she couldn't help agreeing that she really did sign Robert up to his death.

   Taking a deep shuttering breath, her gaze turned determined. God after all, gave her the gift of the sight. She'd be damned if she let it go to waste. Making a promise to herself, saying that Robert Gould Shaw would NOT die at age 25 in battle. Not if she could help it.

Author's Note

 WOW! First chapter done. This is the introduction to learning about Elizabeth's character and so on. In case any of you are confused, she has the highest rank of any and all officers/soldiers. She assigns people to regiments like a boss would kinda. You'll know more of how that happened in the next few chapters or so.

1215 words about the story and if you count the author's note, then more lmao.

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