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   After hours of persuasion and arguments, the 54th regiment finally had a chance to prove themselves. The 23 year old General was enthused by this news. However at the thought of Robert's safety and her troops lives, it was enough to make her want to throw up the contents that she ate this morning. 

    Now, the girl found herself riding her horse, Clara, a white mare; on the outskirts of the forest. The wind whipped through her hair as the soldiers hurried into place. Lining up, The commanders in front stopped them at the correct spot. 

  She pulled her horse to a stop with Cabot and Robert standing beside her. 

  "Front line, KNEEL!" Her voice mixed with Robert's as the soldiers in the front row did what they where told. Gulping her nerves, the sound of hooves came closer and closer. 

  "Firing by battalion!" Robert ordered. The girl took a moment to glance at him. Even though they weren't on the best of terms to say the least, they still worked together flawlessly. It made any outsider believe that they were not fighting.

  "Ready..." Robert shouted, his gun raised. The southerners appeared in the line of sight. Most of them had knifes, swords, and very few had guns. They were poorly clothed, civilians. All on horses, they gave a battle cry as they charged forward.

  "Aim!" Robert continued. Her anxiety grew larger in the pit of her stomach as they approached nearer and nearer. Another horror that she would live to tell. Good lord, she hated war. This wasn't any war either. They were fighting against their own blood; their own people.

  "FIRE!" Elizabeth shouted. immediately, rifle shots were heard and the shot aimed true. People started falling off of their horses, and it retreating away with a frightened neigh. They started to retreat. The soldiers in the front rows stood up and everyone took their caps off and cheered in success. 

  She only let a ghost of a smile appear on her lips. They would need that enthusiasm and energy later. The real battle was about to start. Just as she thought, more people emerged from the fog and gave a shout. A lot more people.

  "Here they come!" John took those words right out of her mouth as bullets shot from the other side. The unlucky ones that were hit fell down and howled in agony making her wince. Gritting her teeth, she dismounted on her horse and weaved through the crowd.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Robert and Cabot do the same. "RELOAD!" She and Robert said at once. "Reload!" Everyone repeated and did as told. Nibbling on her bottom lip nervously, her eyes darted frantically from left to right. God, she hated war.

  "READY!" Her voice wavered and she clenched her fist tightly for it. Everyone got into position.

  "AIM!" Robert continued, walking around and checking on everyone. 

  "FIRE!" Elizabeth shouted, and they did. Just like that, people started to fall. On both sides. After that round ended, the other side advanced forward while her troops reloaded.

  "FIRE AT WILL!" She said, trying to keep her voice leveled. She couldn't do this. She couldn't. She wanted them to fire when they thought was necessary. Left to right, people started falling. One person on the confederate side got shot in the head making her cringe as blood splattered everywhere. No matter how experienced she was with war, she would never get used to it.

  They started advancing. Glancing to her right, she saw Robert take out his sword, making her do the same. "CHARGE!" They both yelled. Everyone let out a battle cry and they bravely advanced forward.

   It was total chaos then. Elizabeth fought for so long that she had lost track how many people she had killed. Completely giving up on using her gun, she found her sword a lot easier to use. Her uniform was covered in ash, dust, and blood.

  Glancing quickly, she had no time to check her pocket watch. How much time had past? Then, a thought went in her mind that made her heart drop. Where was Robert?

  She let out a string of profanities from her mouth that would make people cringe away from her. Glancing around quickly, she helplessly looked for him but with no avail. 

  "ARRRGGGHHH!!!" That noise caught her attention. Turning around quickly, she pointed her sword directly into the persons chest who had tried to attack her from behind. His body went stiff and fell to the ground. Yanking her sword back, she grimaced at the sight of it covered in blood.

  Just then, her eyes landed on Robert's back just a few meters away from her. She sighed in relief. It was quickly wiped away, however, when her eyes locked with a scumbag trying to advance behind Robert. What a coward.

  He held a knife in his hands and he was aiming for Robert's back. That idiot didn't noticed him. Panic coursed through her body. Her mind went on auto-pilot as she ran towards them as fast as she could.

  "ROBERT!" She screamed and jumped behind him just in time as the southerner decided to aim his knife. Instead of hitting Robert like it was supposed to, it cut through her stomach making her scream out in pain.

  That caused Robert to turn around. She saw his eyes widen in panic as she got on her knees in pain, the knife penetrating her stomach. She groaned in pain. Ringing filled her ears as her back hit the ground.

  "NO!" She briefly heard Robert's heartbroken scream. Soldiers all around them saw their fallen General and immediately formed a protective circle around them and started defending off the attackers.

  The girl, dazed in pain felt her body being shifted into someone's arms. Robert's arms. He had stopped fighting and was now holding her. His eyes were filled with tears.

  "Why?" He choked out.

  "It took me getting harmed with a knife for you to finally talk to me." She murmured weakly, making Robert let out a broken sob. 

  "Why?" He repeated, his arms clutched tightly around the girl's shoulders. "Why did you take that knife?" 

  "You would've done the same for me." She replied, a small smile finding it's way on her face. She took a breath, and then immediately winced at the unbearable pain. Tasting metallic, she coughed, and red blood dripped down the opening of her mouth. This made Robert panic even more.

  "I'm tired....maybe I should..." She murmured, her eyes getting heavier and heavier. She was briefly aware of Robert telling her frantically not to close her eyes and yelling for a medic. Her exhaustion and pain finally won as she closed her eyes and the world turning black.


WOW, that was a lot. LOL.

Find the percy jackson reference in this chapter. Hope ya'll enjoy this one. Sorry if it was kinda rushed. I am limited on time today since I have Swim practice.

  Hope ya'll enjoy this tho.

 LOVE you!


Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang