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  How could he allow himself to act like a fool? In front of Elizabeth, no less. Granted, she's seen many of his embarrassing moments, including the time where he dressed himself up as a woman, but that was not the point!

  Groaning, Robert shuffled out of the tent, still red faced, might he add, from that encounter with Rosie. Scolding himself, he gladly took in the cold fresh air. It was a God's gift at that moment. He needed to calm down. 

  Damn, how could one woman have such an impact on him? Over the past few days when she was out, Robert had been miserable. He thought the worst. Frankly, he should have put more faith in her; but his doubts were consuming. That stupid girl. Rosie had always been the heroine. Always so selfless, not thinking twice before putting herself in the line of fire for another.

  With a habit like that, things could lead to disasters. People had always praised and looked up to Rosie for being brave; she herself winning multiple awards and positions from the President of the United States himself. 

  He however, hated her hero complex. Seriously, he was surprised that he doesn't have any gray hairs from the constant worries and trouble Rosie had brought him over the years. But even through all the hardships, they were still there for one another.

  Smiling bitterly, he glanced down at his shoes, wondering if her own desire to save people would eventually lead to her own downfall. It almost did. A voice echoed in his mind. Shaking his head rapidly, he pushed that thought out of his mind. And because of you.

  Clenching his fist, he had promised himself that by staying away from Rosie would protect her. Oh how stupid he had been. His own naïve thoughts eventually lead to the worst attack of them all: Rosie taking the knife for him.

  You idiot. Robert thought bitterly, wiping the hot tears that had come down his cheeks. His feet had a mind of its own as he had no idea where he was wandering. Quite frankly, he was too tired to care.

  The only relief that he had gotten after the battle was Rosie waking up. He had no idea why, but his brain and body finally snapped from the pressure of not talking to her. Not being himself around her. For pretending not to care for her. To not lov-.

  Eyes widening, he snapped himself from his trail of thought. Was he just about to say...... He was going to deny it, but then he would be a liar to his own thoughts. He fancied Elizabeth Rosie Taylor. Honestly, Robert was a smart man. He really was. However, at times like these, he cursed himself for being so clueless.

  Major Forbes has been teasing him relentlessly about it for ages; even to the start of their childhood days. He would deny it every time, even though he knew deep down in his heart that Cabot was correct. He just never had the capacity to admit it.

  Now, it seems that after Rosie was harmed, he realized how dull and gray his life would be if she wasn't in in. Hell, he couldn't live without her. His life would turn meaningless, not an ounce of sparkle in it. No one who truly understood him, no one he could spend nights cuddled up with. 

  Seeing Rosie hurt on the battle field, snapped him out of his daze. Panic seized his body as he saw blood everywhere. Her blood. It was then, when he realized how much he truly depended on her. How much he needed her. It was at that moment when he promised himself to never take any moment that was spent with her for granted. 

 So, he took this time to sigh, looking up at the bright blue sky and whispered the three words that he so desperately wanted to get out. He might not have the ability to do so now, but he vowed to say it when the time was right; when he felt ready. This time, well, this time he promised himself that he would not back out. 

  I love you.


  News of the fallen General spread like wildfire. Everywhere. People were whispering it. Panicking. He felt great remorse for their General. She was caring, not like the rest. She treated all her comrades with respect.

  In truth, Jupiter looked up to her. Born as a slave just like all his other brothers and sisters, he felt a need to make change. Fighting for what was right. When he heard of a colored regiment, he had cried so hard that it made others cringe around him.

  He didn't care though. He finally had a purpose in life other than spending hours in the blazing hot sun of California. There was only one of the few tiny problems that stood in his way. At the top of his list, the stuttering. He hated it. 

  "Private Sharts!" Turning around abruptly, his head turned to the sound of Major Forbes calling out his name. Confusion swirled inside him as he walked up next to him. 

  "Y-yes s-sir?" He asked, cringing at the stutter. He remembered when he had gotten it. It was a hot day in California. He was tired from picking cotton all day. Blistered and bloody, he sat down for a quick rest. God however, was not so lenient since his owner made his way up to him, furious. He had gotten 15 whips for that, and it had damaged his speaking ability ever since.

  "Information being passed." The major said, a bright smile danced across his face. Jupiter tilt his head. He could use some good news right about now. 

  "General Taylor has awoken." Major Forbes said. A huge grin erupted from his lips, his insides bubbling in relief and excitement. Perhaps all was not lost.

  "T-thank y-you, s-sir." He replied. "Colonel k-know?"

  Forbes nodded at this, snorting. "Oh he knows all right." Shaking his head and muttering something that Jupiter did not quite catch, he added "Tell the others."

  Giving him a happy nod, Jupiter gave him a salute, and him returning it. "Y-yes s-sir." Oh Lordy Lord. This day just couldn't get any better.




  New POV: JUPITER'S!! It was kinda hard to write in his perspective because I don't know much about him or anyone else for the matter,  but I tried my best. Also, I'm not so sure how accurate the information of his earlier life was before he volunteered for the 54th Massachusetts.

    BUTTT, he's a complete angel! So adorable. Since the movie didn't protect him, I'll make sure to do everything in my power to keep him alive and well in this book. (Along with everyone else....well, mostly everyone) HEHEHEEHE

  That's all, 


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