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   Most girls would get up in the morning and fraught over their looks and or what to where. Elizabeth however, was an exception. It was not like she had the time or choice to do so anyways. She missed being a little girl; being in that care-free world and not having to worry about anything besides the fact that Robert had stolen her books. Now, as the 23 year old girl looked at herself in the mirror, she could not help but frown at her reflection.

  Most people would describe her as beautiful. By most people she meant guys. They were amazed by the sheer beauty of her face; her long, curly locks of black hair flying in the light breeze, her calculating brown eyes that made most people cower in fear, and her posture. Men craved for her, lusted even, and women turned green with envy, wishing "why is that not me?"

   The only reaction that she did not get was Robert's. She so desperately wished to know how he felt about her but sadly, even having the powers of foretelling the future could not give her the answer she wanted. Grumbling to herself, she tried to fix the lock of curl that was stubbornly not getting where she wanted it to go. She was this close to cutting it off when a voice interrupted her.

  "Dressing up 'beth?" Startled, the brunette turned around and her heart almost leaped out of her chest when she saw Robert standing in her tent with an amused smile that coated his face. How long has he been there? She though in embarrassment. 

 "How long-?" She started but was quickly cut off.

  "Around 10 minutes or so. Wanted to see the turn out. You looked like you were about to tug off your hair so I interrupted." The Colonel said cheekily, making her groan in embarrassment. 

  "Shut up." She whined, making chuckles escape his mouth as his blue eyes gazed fondly over the girl. 

  "I have not seen you dress up like that in forever. I missed it." He spoke softly, only to be greeted with a sad smile in return. It was true. When they were kids, Elizabeth loved to dress up. You could never see her without that signature smile on her face. Such a bubbly, and optimistic kid. But she was also naïve, too innocent to know the horrors of this sainted world. What changed them? War was the answer. Spending years in the battle field, Elizabeth had learned to perfect that stone cold emotionless expression that she wore 24/7. Outsiders might think that she was ruthless and had no heart; but deep down, she is still that 6 year old girl who thought everything was sunshine and rainbows. Robert knew that. That is why he made it his mission to take that side out. The real her. 

   "Is there anything on my face?" Elizabeth asked worriedly. Robert gazed at her. Nothing. But what was the fun in that?

  "You have a little something right there." He said in an almost teasing way, making Elizabeth frown even more and tried to get it off. 

  "Gone?" She asked, huffing in frustration when Robert shook his head "no." She was about to turn around to the mirror when in one swift motion, Robert gripped her wrist and spun her. Gasping slightly, she came crashing into his arms. Her face flushed. Gazing into Robert's blue eyes, she felt herself getting lost into them. 

  "Robert...." Her voice had gone down to a whisper. God, why is her heart beating so fast? If Robert heard it then she would die from embarrassment. He did not say anything. Just staring. Was it Elizabeth's imagination, or was he leaning in? Gulping slightly, she wished that she could pretend to be as brave as she is on the battle field. Where was General Taylor when she was needed?!

   "There is hair covering your face." Robert whispered, taking his hand and tucking that loose strand of hair behind her ear. The touch left her with tingles. His hands went down to her waist, gripping them tightly and pulling her even closer if possible. 

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