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Warning: I didn't know what else to write except for smut so I guess here it is? If it makes you uncomfy then don't read this chapter. I had no idea what else to right lmao. THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU'LL GET IN THIS CHAPTER. 


 For the last few days, the girl wasn't able to do much. Partly with Robert's command, and her stomach. Now that everything has healed besides a few scars that will stay there forever, Elizabeth was hectic to get out and stretch.

  After being discharged from the medic tent, Elizabeth could finally breath in some fresh air. Running out of the tent, she took in a huge deep breath of air, a hint of a smile on her face. It doesn't hurt anymore. 

  Sadly, the scars were still there but that didn't bother her too much. She considered herself lucky to be alive. She was in her place, just enjoying life when she heard footsteps. She turned to see Cabot walking towards her.

  "Good to see you so well, General." He said, his voice slightly teasing, but she could tell that he felt relieved that she was healthy. It warmed her heart. She nodded in return with a smile on her face.

  "Anything you need, Major?" She asked. 

  "You're just in time for the meeting." Forbes answered, making the girl furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "What meeting? I wasn't informed."

  Her eyes narrowed when she saw Cabot wince. " The president assembled it.  Robert didn't want you to know. " 

  This made her huff angrily. " Wait, the President is here?" When she received a nod back, her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Well, since you're here now, lead the way." She gestured with her hand. With a salute and nod, Cabot led her to.... the place where they eat? What could this meeting possibly be about? They don't usually have them.

  Once arriving, Elizabeth pulled open the doors and saw all the leaders and officers along with Robert sitting down at a conference table. There, she saw the President Lincoln himself at the head of the table, already seated down and ready. Everyone turned their heads to look at them.

  "Mr. President." Elizabeth said smoothly, her voice soft as silk. She walked up and Lincoln met her halfway. They shook hands in greeting. "What a surprise."

  "Pleasure as always, General Taylor." Lincoln greeted politely. "Glad to see you are well."

  "I was discharged a few minutes ago." She replied easily, dropping her hands and placing them behind her back. 

  "We are going to discuss war tactics." Lincoln responded. "I understand if you want to sit this one out."

  "Oh please, I feel fine." The girl stated, laughing slightly. "Besides, I wouldn't miss such a important meeting, right Robert?"

  Robert was startled, giving her an apologetic look which she ignored. Instead, she took the empty seat that was next to him and plopped down. Now that everyone was there, Lincoln started the meeting, pulling out papers, maps, and everything that would be in use.

  Now, she wasn't usually like this, but she couldn't focus today. Absentmindedly, her right hand moved and place itself on Robert's thigh and started rubbing small circles on his leg. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him shift slightly in his chair.

  A sudden idea popped into her mind and she let out a devilish smirk. She trailed her hand higher, higher, and...... higher..... until she was touching his crotch. They were at the far end of the conference table, with other people listening and paying close attention to what the president was saying to understand what was about to happen.

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